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The use of propofol for procedural sedation in emergency departments

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Appendix 1. Search strategy for CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library

#1 MeSH descriptor Propofol, this term only
#2 (diprivan or fresofol or pofol or propofol* or recofol):ti
#3 (#1 OR #2)
#4 (Benzodiazepin* or Anthramycin or Bromazepam or Clonazepam or Devazepide or Diazepam or Flumazenil or Flunitrazepam or Flurazepam or Lorazepam or Nitrazepam or Oxazepam or Pirenzepine or Prazepam or Temazepam Alprazolam or Benzodiazepinon* or Chlordiazepoxide or Clorazepate or Dipotassium or Estazolam or Medazepam or Midazolam or Triazolam Barbiturat* or Amobarbital or Barbital or Hexobarbital or Mephobarbital or Methohexital or Murexide or Pentobarbital or Phenobarbital Secobarbital or Thiobarbiturat* or Etomidate or ketamin*):ab
#5 (#3 AND #4)
#6 MeSH descriptor Conscious Sedation explode all trees
#7 MeSH descriptor Analgesia, this term only
#8 MeSH descriptor Emergency Medical Services, this term only
#9 MeSH descriptor Emergency Medicine, this term only
#10 MeSH descriptor Ambulances, this term only
#11 MeSH descriptor Emergency Medical Technicians explode all trees
#12 MeSH descriptor Emergency Treatment, this term only
#13 MeSH descriptor Resuscitation, this term only
#14 (sedat* or emergency* or resuscitat* or non?anaesthetist*):ti
#15 (#6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14)
#16 (#3 AND #15)
#17 (#5 OR #16)

Appendix 2. Search strategy for MEDLINE (WebSPIRS Ovid SP) 2000 to present

1. (diprivan or fresofol or pofol or propofol* or recofol).mp.
2. exp Propofol/
3. or/1‐2
4. benzodiazepines/ or barbiturates/ or etomidate/ or ketamine/
5. (Benzodiazepin* or Anthramycin or Bromazepam or Clonazepam or Devazepide or Diazepam or Flumazenil or Flunitrazepam or Flurazepam or Lorazepam or Nitrazepam or Oxazepam or Pirenzepine or Prazepam or Temazepam Alprazolam or Benzodiazepinon* or Chlordiazepoxide or Clorazepate or Dipotassium or Estazolam or Medazepam or Midazolam or Triazolam Barbiturat* or Amobarbital or Barbital or Hexobarbital or Mephobarbital or Methohexital or Murexide or Pentobarbital or Phenobarbital Secobarbital or Thiobarbiturat* or Etomidate or ketamin*).ti,ab.
6. or/4‐5
7. 6 and 3
8. Emergency‐Medical‐Technicians/ or Ambulances/ or Emergency‐Service‐Hospital/ or Emergency‐Medicine/ or Emergency‐Medical‐Services/ or Analgesia/ or Conscious‐Sedation/ or Emergency‐Treatment/ or Resuscitation/
9. (sedat* or emergency* or resuscitat* or non?anaesthetist*).ti,ab.
10. or/8‐9
11. 3 and 10
12. 11 or 7
13. ((randomized controlled trial or controlled clinical trial).pt. or randomized.ab. or placebo.ab. or clinical trials as or randomly.ab. or trial.ti.) and
14. 13 and 12

Appendix 3. Search strategy for EMBASE (Ovid SP)

1. (diprivan or fresofol or pofol or propofol* or recofol).mp. or exp PROPOFOL/
2. Benzodiazepine Derivative/ or Barbituric Acid Derivative/ or ETOMIDATE/ or KETAMINE/ or LORAZEPAM/
3. (Benzodiazepin* or Anthramycin or Bromazepam or Clonazepam or Devazepide or Diazepam or Flumazenil or Flunitrazepam or Flurazepam or Lorazepam or Nitrazepam or Oxazepam or Pirenzepine or Prazepam or Temazepam Alprazolam or Benzodiazepinon* or Chlordiazepoxide or Clorazepate or Dipotassium or Estazolam or Medazepam or Midazolam or Triazolam Barbiturat* or Amobarbital or Barbital or Hexobarbital or Mephobarbital or Methohexital or Murexide or Pentobarbital or Phenobarbital Secobarbital or Thiobarbiturat* or Etomidate or ketamin*).ti,ab.
4. 3 or 2
5. 4 and 1
6. Conscious Sedation/ or ANALGESIA/ or Emergency Health Service/ or Emergency Medicine/ or Ambulance/ or Rescue Personnel/ or Emergency Treatment/ or RESUSCITATION/
7. (sedat* or emergency* or resuscitat* or non?anaesthetist*).ti,ab.
8. 6 or 7
9. 8 and 1
10. 9 or 5
11. ( or controlled study.ab.o r . "random*".ti,ab. or . trial*.ti. ) and human*.ec,hw,fs.
1 2 . 1 1 and 10

Appendix 4. Search strategy for CINAHL (EBSCO host)

S1 MJ Propofol
S2 TI diprivan or TI fresofol or TI pofol or TI propofol* or TI recofol
S3 AB diprivan or AB fresofol or AB pofol or AB propofol* or AB recofol
S4 S3 or S2 or S1
S5 MH benzodiazepines or MH barbiturates or MH etomidate or MH ketamine
S6 (Benzodiazepin* or Anthramycin or Bromazepam or Clonazepam or Devazepide or Diazepam or Flumazenil or Flunitrazepam or Flurazepam or Lorazepam or Nitrazepam or Oxazepam or Pirenzepine or Prazepam or Temazepam Alprazolam or Benzodiazepinon* or Chlordiazepoxide or Clorazepate or Dipotassium or Estazolam or Medazepam or Midazolam or Triazolam Barbiturat* or Amobarbital or Barbital or Hexobarbital or Mephobarbital or Methohexital or Murexide or Pentobarbital or Phenobarbital Secobarbil or Thiobarbiturat* or Etomidate or ketamin*)
S7 S6 or S5
S8 S7 and S4
S9 MH Conscious‐Sedation or MH Analgesia or MH Emergency‐Medical‐Services or MH Emergency‐Medicine or MH Emergency‐Service‐Hospital or MH Ambulances or MJ Emergency‐Medical‐Technicians or MH Emergency‐Treatment or MH Resuscitation
S10 TI (sedat* or emergency* or resuscitat* or non?anaesthetist*)
S11 AB (sedat* or emergency* or resuscitat* or non?anaesthetist*)
S12 S11 or S10 or S9
S13 S12 and S4
S14 S13 or S8
S15 PT Clinical trials or AB random* or TI trial* or MM Placebo or AB CROSS?OVER* or AB controlled trial
S16S15 and S14

Appendix 5. Search strategy for ISI Web of Science

#1 TS=(diprivan or fresofol or pofol or propofol* or recofol) 
#2 TI=(Benzodiazepin* or Anthramycin or Bromazepam or Clonazepam or Devazepide or Diazepam or Flumazenil or Flunitrazepam or Flurazepam or Lorazepam or Nitrazepam or Oxazepam or Pirenzepine or Prazepam or Temazepam Alprazolam or Benzodiazepinon* or Chlordiazepoxide or Clorazepate or Dipotassium or Estazolam or Medazepam or Midazolam or Triazolam Barbiturat* or Amobarbital or Barbital or Hexobarbital or Mephobarbital or Methohexital or Murexide or Pentobarbital or Phenobarbital Secobarbital or Thiobarbiturat* or Etomidate or ketamin*) 
#3 #2 AND #1 
#4 TS=(sedat* or emergency* or resuscitat* or non?anaesthetist*) 
#5 #4 AND #1 
#6 #5 OR #3 
#7 TI=trial* or TS=random* 
# 8 # 7 AND #6 

Appendix 6. Risk of bias assessment

Risk of bias assessment (RoB assessment)



Support for judgement

1. Random sequence generation (selection bias)

Low risk/High risk/Unclear risk


2. Allocation concealment (selection bias)

Low risk/High risk/Unclear risk


3. Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)

Low risk/High risk/Unclear risk


4. Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)

Low risk/High risk/Unclear risk


5. Incomplete outcome data

Low risk/High risk/Unclear risk



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