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Vacunas conjugadas antineumocócicas para la prevención de la neumonía con consolidación radiográfica y la enfermedad neumocócica invasiva por los serotipos de la vacuna en niños menores de dos años de edad

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Referencias de los estudios incluidos en esta revisión

Black 2000a {published data only}

Black S, Shinefield H, Fireman B, Lewis E, Ray P, Hansen J, et al. Efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2000;19(3):187‐95.

Black 2002a {published data only}

Black S, Shinefield H, Ling S, Hansen J, Fireman B, Spring D, et al. Effectiveness of heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children younger than five years of age for prevention of pneumonia. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2002;21(9):810‐5.

Eskola 2001 {published data only}

Eskola J, Kilpi T, Palmu A, Jokinen J, Haapakoski J, Herva E, et al. Efficacy of a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against acute otitis media. New England Journal of Medicine 2001;344(6):403‐9.

Kilpi 2003 {published data only}

Kilpi T, Ahman H, Jokinen J, Lankinen KS, Palmu A, Savolainen H, et al. Protective efficacy of a second pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against pneumococcal acute otitis media in infants and children: randomized, controlled trial of a 7‐valent pneumococcal polysaccharide‐meningococcal outer membrane protein complex conjugate vaccine in 1666 children. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2003;37(9):1155‐64.

Klugman 2003 {published data only}

Klugman K, Madhi S, Huebner R, Kohberger R, Mbelle N, Pierce N for the Vaccine Trialists Group. A trial of a 9‐valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children with and those without HIV infection. New England Journal of Medicine 2003 Oct 2;349(14):1341‐8.

O'Brien 2003a {published data only}

O'Brien K, Moulton L, Reid R, Weatherholtz R, Oski J, Brown L, et al. Efficacy and safety of seven‐valent conjugate pneumococcal vaccine in American Indian children: group randomised trial. The Lancet 2003;362(9381):355‐61. [MEDLINE: 12907008]

Referencias de los estudios excluidos de esta revisión

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Aaberge IS, Lovik M, Leikvold R, Groeng E, Pawlowski A, Svenson SV. Vaccination with type 6B polysaccharide‐protein conjugates protects against challenge with type 6A pneumococci. 1st International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD). Copenhagen, Denmark, 1998 June 13‐17.

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Adamkiewicz TV, Sarnaik S, Buchanan GR, Iyer RV, Miller ST, Pegelow CH, et al. Invasive pneumococcal infections in children with sickle cell disease in the era of penicillin prophylaxis, antibiotic resistance, and 23‐valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination. Journal of Pediatrics 2003;143(4):438‐44.

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Addiego JE, Ammann AJ, Schiffman G, Baehner R, Higgins G, Hammond D. Response to pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in patients with untreated Hodgkin's disease. Children's Cancer Study Group Report. Lancet 1980;2(8192):450‐2.

Agostoni 1988 {published data only}

Agostoni C, Giovannini M, Fraschini F, Scaglione F, Galluzzo C, Riva E, et al. Comparison of miocamycin versus amoxycillin in lower respiratory tract infections in children. Clinical response and effect on natural killer activity. Journal of International Medical Research 1988;16(4):305‐11.

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Ahman H, Kayhty H, Tamminen P, Vuorela A, Malinoski F, Eskola J. Pentavalent pneumococcal oligosaccharide conjugate vaccine PncCRM is well‐tolerated and able to induce an antibody response in infants. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1996;15(2):134‐9.

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Ahman H, Kahyty H, Eskola J. Maternal antibodies and response to pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. 1st International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD). Copenhagen, Denmark, 1998 June 13‐17.

Ahman 1998b {published data only}

Ahman H, Kayhty H, Lehtonen H, Leroy O, Froeschle J, Eskola J. Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular polysaccharide‐diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine is immunogenic in early infancy and able to induce immunologic memory. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1998;17(3):211‐6.

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Ahman H, Kayhty H, Vuorela A, Leroy O, Eskola J. Dose dependency of antibody response in infants and children to pneumococcal polysaccharides conjugated to tetanus toxoid. Vaccine 1999;17(20‐21):2726‐32.

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Ahman H, Jokinen J, Kahyty H, and the Finnish Otitis Media (FinOM) Study Group. Immunogenicity of PncCRM vaccine used in FinOM vaccine trial. 2nd International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD). Sun City, South Africa, 2000 March 19‐23.

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Alvarez MP, Simon M, Sanchez S, Apaloaza I, Prieto J. Pharmacovigilance study of azithromycin tablets (500 mg) in the treatment of adult patients with respiratory tract infections [Estudio de farmacovigilancia de azitromicinacomprimidos (500 mg) en el tratamiento de pacientesadultos con infecciones de vias respiratorias. Grupo colaborador]. Revista Espanola de Quimioterapia 2000;13(3):297‐305.

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Antilla M, Eskola J, Kayhty H. Avidity of antibodies elicited by different pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. 1st International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD). Copenhagen, Denmark, 1998 June 13‐17.

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Characteristics of studies

Characteristics of included studies [ordered by study ID]

Black 2000a


Randomized controlled, double‐blind


Children in Northern California Kaiser Permanente (NCKP) database


7‐valent PCVCRM vs control (Meningococcal conjugate vaccine)


Pneumococcal invasive disease and acute otitis media (AOM)


Validity appraisal A; a preliminary report of this study was published earlier and is listed in the Additional References section as Black 1999

Risk of bias


Authors' judgement

Support for judgement

Allocation concealment?

Low risk

A ‐ Adequate

Black 2002a


Randomized controlled, double‐blind


Children in Northern California Kaiser Permanente (NCKP) database


7‐valent PCVCRM vs control (Meningococcal conjugate vaccine)


Clinical and X‐ray confirmed pneumonia


Validity appraisal A; this study was presented earlier at the May 2002 ISPPD in Anchorage, Alaska, and the abstract is listed in Additional Studies section as Black 2002c, and later in November at the WSPID 2002, the abstract of which, is listed in Additional Studies section as Black 2002d

Risk of bias


Authors' judgement

Support for judgement

Allocation concealment?

Low risk

A ‐ Adequate

Eskola 2001


Randomized, double‐blind


Finnish infants


7‐valent PCVCRM vs control (Hepa B)


Acute otitis media (AOM) and pneumococcal invasive disease


Validity appraisal A

Risk of bias


Authors' judgement

Support for judgement

Allocation concealment?

Low risk

A ‐ Adequate

Kilpi 2003


Randomized, double‐blind


Finnish infants


7‐valent PCVOMP vs control (Hepa B)


Acute otitis media (AOM) and pneumococcal invasive disease


Validity appraisal A

Risk of bias


Authors' judgement

Support for judgement

Allocation concealment?

Low risk

A ‐ Adequate

Klugman 2003


Randomized controlled, double‐blind


South African infants


9‐valent PCVCRM vs control (Placebo)


Pneumococcal invasive Disease and X‐ray confirmed pneumonia


Validity appraisal B

Risk of bias


Authors' judgement

Support for judgement

Allocation concealment?

Low risk

A ‐ Adequate

O'Brien 2003a


Cluster randomized controlled trial


American Indian infants


7‐valent PCVCRM vs control (Meningococcal conjugate vaccine)


Pneumococcal invasive disease


Validity appraisal A; a hand searched source of this same study is listed in the Additional References section as O'Brien 2001a. The study was presented in ESPID 2001.

Risk of bias


Authors' judgement

Support for judgement

Allocation concealment?

Low risk

A ‐ Adequate

Characteristics of excluded studies [ordered by study ID]


Reason for exclusion

Aaberge 1998

Subjects comprised of mice

Acharya 1987

Non PCV study

Adam 2001

Review in foreign language

Adamkiewicz 2003

Subjects comprised of children with sickle cell disease

Addiego 1980

PPV study

Agostoni 1988

Non PCV study

Ahman 1996

Outcome was immunogenicity

Ahman 1998a

Outcome was effect of maternal antibodies to infant response to PCV

Ahman 1998b

Outcome was immunogenicity and induction of immunologic memory

Ahman 1999

Outcome was optimal dose for antibody response

Ahman 2000

Outcome was immunogenicity against acute otitis media

Akikusa 2001

PPV study

al‐Hawsawi 2001

Non PCV study

Alanis 1992

Non PCV study

Albert 1980

Non PCV study

Allen 2003


Allenet 1997

Non PCV study

Alvarez 2000

Non PCV study

Ammann 1977

PPV study

Anderson 1996


Anderson 1998


Anderson 2003

Subjects comprised of 2‐year old children

Andrews 2003


Anonymous 1998a

Non RCT (Editorial)

Anonymous 1998b


Anonymous 1999a


Anonymous 1999b


Anonymous 1999c


Anonymous 1999d


Anonymous 2000a


Anonymous 2000b


Anonymous 2000c


Anonymous 2001a

Non RCT (news in brief)

Anonymous 2001b

Non RCT (Board meeting report)

Anonymous 2002


Anonymous 2003


Antilla 1998a

Outcome was functional cross‐reactivity

Antilla 1998b

Outcome was avidity for serotypes 6B and 23F

Antilla 1998c

Outcome was avidity

Antilla 1999a


Antilla 1999b

Outcome was differences in the avidity of antibodies

Arguedas 2001

Outcome was immunogenicity

Arkwright 2000


Arthur 1996

Non PCV study

Auranen 2002

Outcome was nasopharyngeal carriage

Austrian 1975

Non RCT (Lecture)

Austrian 2000


Babiker 1986

Subjects were 2‐5 years old children with sickle‐cell disease

Bacle 1997

PPV study

Baker 2003


Ball 1994

Non PCV study

Balmes 1991

Non PCV study

Barnett 1999

Outcome was immune response

Baucher 2000


Beatson 1985

Non PCV study

Berg 2003

Non PCV study

Berger 1988

Non PCV study

Berk 1984

Non RCT (survey)

Beumer 1989

Non PCV study

Biltoft 2002

Outcome was antibody response

Bitnun 1998

Non PCV study

Bjornson 1996

PPV study

Black 2000b

Non RCT (cost‐effectiveness study)

Black 2000c


Black 2000d

Subjects included children older than 2 years old (extended analysis)

Black 2001a


Black 2001b

Non RCT (post‐licensure evaluation)

Black 2002b


Block 2002


Blum 2000


Bogaert 2002

Subjects were children 1‐6 years of age

Boivin 1995

Non PCV study

Box 2003

Non PCV study

Bradbury 1993

Non PCV study

Brandileone 2003


Breukels 1999

Subjects were otitis‐prone children

Breukels 2002

Subjects comprised of Wistar rats

Brickfield 1986

Non PCV study

Briles 2000a

Subjects were mice

Briles 2000b


Broome 1980


Broome 1981

PPV study

Brouwer 2003

Outcome was on quality of life with recurrent otitis media

Bruyn 1991


Butler 1996


Butler 1997


Butler 1999


Capeding 2000


Carroll 1977

Non PCV study

Cartwright 2002


Chi 1999

Non PCV study

Chiang 2001


Chintu 1983

PPV study

Choo 1999

Outcome measures were immunogenicity and mucosal antibody response

Choo 2000a

Outcome measures were immunogenicity and reactogenicity

Choo 2000b

Outcome was primary and booster salivary antibody response

Choo 2001


Christensen 1985

PPV study

Clancy 1990

Non PCV study

Clini 1990

Non PCV study

CSG 1992

Non RCT (Update on Guidelines in French)

Czerniawska‐Mysik 92

Non PCV study

D'Alessandro 2002

Non RCT (cost‐effectiveness study in Italian language)

Dabelstein 2000


Dagan 1997a

Outcome measures were safety and immunogenicity

Dagan 1998a


Dagan 2000a


Dagan 2001

Subjects comprised of 12 to 35 months old

Dagan 2002a


Dagan 2002b

Subjects comprised of toddlers

Dagan 2003

Subjects comprised of 12 to 35 months old

Dagan 2004

Outcome measures were safety and immunogenicity

Dahl 2001


Daley 2002

Outcome was effectiveness of letter/telephone recall for immunization with PCV7

Daly 2003

Subjects were pregnant women

Dark 1991

Non PCV study

Darkes 2002


Daum 1997

Outcome was immunogenicity

Daum 1998


Dautzenberg 1992

Non PCV study

Davis 2003

Non‐RCT (survey on factors influencing physicians' administration of PCV)

Davis 2004

Non RCT (Commentary)

De Cock 1988

Non PCV study

Dere 1992a

Non PCV study

Dere 1992b

Non PCV study

DeStefano 2003

Non PCV study

Dieye 2002

PPV study

Diez‐Domingo 2002


Djuric 1989

Non PCV study

Doit 2002


Douglas 1983

PPV study

Douglas 1984a

PPV study

Douglas 1984b

PPV study

Douglas 1986a

PPV study

Douglas 1986b

PPV study

Dunlay 1987

Non PCV study

Edwards 2001


Eick 2002

Outcome measures were safety and immunogenicity

Ejstrud 2000


Englund 2000


Eskola 1990

Outcome measures were reactogenicity and immunogenicity

Eskola 1994


Eskola 1998a


Eskola 1998b


Eskola 1999a


Eskola 1999b

Outcome was mucosal antibody response

Eskola 1999c


Eskola 2000a


Eskola 2000b


Esposito 2002


Esposito 2003a


Esposito 2003b

Non RCT (Commentary and author reply)

Esposito 2003c

Non RCT (Multiple letters)

Ess 2003


Evans 2002

Non PCV study

Fagan 2001


Falletta 1995

Non PCV study

Farquhar 2002

Non PCV study

Farr 1995


Fattom 1990

Subjects were adults

Feavers 1998

Subjects comprised of rabbits

Fedson 1999a


Fedson 1999b


Fedson 2000


Fenoll 2002


Finkelstein 2003


Finn 2000

Outcome was induction of memory responses in PCV primed infants

Finn 2001


Finn 2002

Subjects were children 2‐4 years old

Fireman 2001

Outcome was effectiveness against AOM by age and season

Fireman 2003

Outcome was efficacy against otitis media

Flamaing 2002


Flo 1998


Fong 1995

Non PCV study

Franks 1984

Non PCV study

Fraser 2000a


Fraser 2000b

Subjects comprised of 12‐35 months old toddlers

French 2003


Fuchshuber 1996

PPV study

Gaillat 1993

Non PCV study

Gaillat 2001


Gatchalian 2001

Outcome measures were immunogenicity and reactogenicity

Gennery 1998

PPV study

Gentry 1987

Non PCV study

Gibb 1995

PPV study

Giebink 1985


Giebink 1997


Giebink 1999


Giebink 2000


Giebink 2002

Subjects comprised of pregnant women

Girbino 1990

Non PCV study

Givon‐Lavi 2002


Givon‐Lavi 2003

Outcome was herd immunity

Gleadhill 1986

Non PCV study

Goldblatt 2000


Gonzales 1999

Non PCV study

Gonzales 2000

Non PCV study

Greenberg 2001


Griffin 1992

Non PCV study

Gris 1996

Non PCV study

Guinan 1994

Subjects were bone marrow transplant patients age 2 to 45 years old

Hajek 1998

Subjects comprised of chinchillas

Hales 1979

PPV study

Hammarström 1998

Subjects comprised of bone marrow transplant recipients

Hattotuwa 1997


Hausdorff 1998


Hausdorff 2002


Haveman 2002


Hedlund 2003


Heikkinen 2000

Non PCV study

Henry 1995a

Non PCV study

Henry 1995b

Non PCV study

Herva 1980

PPV study

Hessel 1998


Hodson 2003

Non PCV study

Hoekstra 1994

Non PCV study

Hoffman 2003


Hord 2002


Hortel 2002


Hotez 2001

Non RCT (critical appraisal)

Huchon 1996

Non PCV study

Huebner 2002

Outcome was immunogenicity

Hueston 1991

Non PCV study

Hueston 1994

Non PCV study

Hueston 2000


Isah 1996

Non PCV study

Iwai 1988

Non PCV study

Jaccard‐Ruedin 2003


Jaffar 1999


Jaffar 2003


Jakobsen 2002

Subjects were mice

Jakobsen 2003a


Jakobsen 2003b

Subjects were mice and human infants

Janoff 1992


Jette 2001


Jodar 2003


John 1984

Non PCV study

Joloba 2001


Jones 1993


Jonsdotirr 2000

Outcome was immunogenicity

Jonsdottir 2002

Subjects were mice

Jousimies 2002


Kamal 2003


Kamboj 2003

Outcome was immunogenicity

Kaplan 2002


Karma 1982

Outcome was recurrent otitis media

Karma 1985

PPV study

Karma 1995


Karma 2002


Kauffman 2001


Kayhty 1995

Outcome was immunogenicity

Kayhty 1996


Kayhty 2001


Kayhty 2002

Outcome was functional activity of antibodies

Keller 2000

PPV study

Keyserling 1999


Kiani 1988


Kiani 1990

Non PCV study

Kibar 1997

PPV study

Kilic 2002

PPV study

Kilpi 2001

Outcome was nasopharyngeal carriage

Kilpi 2002

Outcome was otitis media

King 1996a

Outcome was immunogenicity

King 1996b

Non RCT (Commentary)

King 1997


King 1998

Outcome was vaccine type‐specific antibody response

Kinnersley 1993


Klein 1983

PPV study

Klein 1989

Non RCT (Critical appraisal)

Klein 1994


Klein 1995

Non PCV study

Klein 1999a


Klein 1999b


Klein 2000a


Klein 2000b


Klein 2002


Konradsen 1991


Korkeila 2000

Outcome was salivary anti‐capsular antibody

Kroon 2000

Subjects were adults

Kyaw 2000


Kyaw 2002a


Kyaw 2002b


Laferriére 2000


LaForce 1989


Lagos 2002

Outcome was immunogenicity

Lakshman 2001

Subjects comprised of children 2 to 4 years old

Lakshman 2003


Landau 1992

Non PCV study

Landis 1995

Non PCV study

Latessa 2000


Laurichesse 2001


Lawrence 1983

PPV study

Le 2000


Leach 1996


Leach 1998


Ledwith 2001


Lee 1995

Non PCV study

Lee 1997


Lee 1998

Subjects were mice

Lee 2001


Lee 2002a


Lee 2002b

Outcome measures were function and durability of antibody response

Lee 2002c

Subjects were mice

Lee 2003


Lees 2000

Non PCV study

Lehmann 1986

PPV study

Lehmann 1991

PPV study

Lehmann 2000


Lerou 2001


Li 2001


Liebeler 1998

Subjects were adult women

Lieu 2000


Lieu 2002


Lin 2003


Lindholm 2002a

Outcome measures were avidity and functional activity of antibodies for PS

Lindholm 2002b

Outcome was functional activity of antibodies for Pnc types 6B and 19F polysaccharides

Lipnick 1985

PPV study

Lucero 2002

Outcome was immunogenicity

Løvik 1998

Subjects were mice

Macfarlane 2002

Non PCV study

Madhi 1999


Madore 2000


Makela 1980

Non PCV study

Makela 1981

Non PCV study

Makela 1983

Non RCT (commentary)

Makela 2002


Malinoski 2001


Manis 2002

Non RCT (critical appraisal)

Manzur 2002

Non PCV study

Marchant 1999


Martin 1996


Matthys 2000

Non PCV study

Matthys 2003

Non PCV study

Mawas 1998

Subjects comprised of mice

Mbelle 1999

Outcome was nasopharyngeal carriage

McCormick 2003


McGhie 1986

Non PCV study

McIntyre 2000


Meyerhoff 2000


Michon 1998

Subjects comprised of mice

Miernyk 1998


Miernyk 2000

Outcome was immunogenicity

Millar 2002

Subjects comprised of unvaccinated children

Miller 2000


Mills 1996


Misbah 1997

PPV study

Molrine 1996

Non PCV study (Hib vaccine study)

Molrine 1999

PPV study

Molrine 2003


Moon 2000

Outcome was immunity to cross‐reactive serotypes

Moore 2001


Moore 2003

PPV study

Moraga 2001

Review (Spanish)

Moran 1983

Non PCV study

Motohiro 1992a

Non PCV study

Motohiro 1992b

Non PCV study

Moulton 2002

Outcome was efficacy of the vaccine in terms of herd immunity

Mulholland 1998


Mulholland 1999


Mulholland 2000a


Mulholland 2000b


Munoz 2001

PPV study

Murphy 1976

Non PCV study

Nachman 2003

Outcome is safety and immunogenicity in HIV‐infected infants

Nahm 2000


Nieminen 1998a

Subjects comprised of toddlers

Nieminen 1998b

Subjects comprised of adults

Nieminen 1999

Outcome is immunogenicity and subjects were toddlers

Nieminen 2000

Subjects were toddlers and adults

Niinou 1995

Non PCV study

Nkouwap 1999


Nohynek 1998

Outcome was herd immunity

Noone 1985

Non PCV study

Normark 2001


Nowak‐Wegrzyn 2000

Outcome was serum opsonic activity

Nurkka 2000

Outcome was salivary antibodies induced by the Pnc vaccine

Nurkka 2001

Outcome measures were serum and salivary anti‐capsular antibodies

Nurkka 2002a

Outcome was antibody response

Nurkka 2002b

Subjects were children age 4‐5 years

O'Brien 1996


O'Brien 2000


O'Brien 2002a

Outcome was reduction in carriage of vaccine serotype strains

O'Brien 2002b

Outcome was nasopharyngeal carriage

O'Brien 2002c


O'Brien 2003b


O'Brien 2003c


O'Dempsey 1996

PPV study

O'Donoghue 2002

Non PCV study

Obaro 1997


Obaro 1998


Obaro 2000a


Obaro 2000b

Outcome was nasopharyngeal carriage

Obaro 2002a


Obaro 2002b

Outcome was safety and immunogenicity

Okoko 2001


Olander 2001


Orcel 1993

Non PCV study (French)

Orcel 1994

Non PCV study

Orfila 2000

Non PCV study

Ortqvist 2001


Oshima 1986

Non PCV study

Overturf 1982


Overturf 1999


Overturf 2000

Non RCT (Technical report)

Pai 2002


Palmu 2001a

Outcome was efficacy against AOM

Palmu 2001b

Non PCV study

Palmu 2002

Outcome was efficacy against acute otitis media

Palmu 2004


Pappas 2003

Non PCV study

Paragi 2003


Parkkali 1999

PPV study

Parry 2002

Non PCV study

Patriarca 1982

Non PCV study

Pawlowski 1998


Peetermans 1998


Pekkanen 1983

Non PCV study

Pelton 2000


Pelton 2002


Pelton 2003


Peters 1994

PPV study

Peters 2000


Peterson 1988

Non PCV study

Pichichero 1997

Subjects were toddlers

Pichichero 1998

Subjects comprised of weanling mice and 2 year old children

Pineda 2002


Plikaytis 2000


Plotkin 2000

Non RCT in foreign language

Plumb 1998

Subjects were rabbits

Poland 1999


Poland 2001


Ponvert 2001

PPV study

Potera 1999


Pozzi 1993

Non PCV study

Principi 2002

Review (Italian)

Puopolo 1997

Non PCV study

Puumalainen 2000

Non RCT (open trial)

Puumalainen 2003a


Puumalainen 2003b


Quiambao 2003

PPV study

Raby 1996

PPV study

Ramachandra 2003


Rao 2000

Non PCV study

Rappuoli 2001


Ray 2001

Outcome was safety in low birth weight and preterm infants

Ray 2002

Non RCT (cost‐effectiveness study)

Redfield 2000


Reid 2002

Non RCT (post‐vaccination surveillance)

Reinert 1999


Reinert 2003

Outcome measures were safety and immunogenicity

Reis 2002


Reis 2003

Non PCV study

Rennels 1998

Outcome measures were safety and immunogenicity

Rennels 2001

Non PCV study

Riddington 2002

Non PCV study

Rigau‐Perez 1983

Non PCV study

Riley 1978

Non RCT (Update and Recommendations)

Riley 1981

Non PCV study

Riley 1986

Non PCV study

Riley 1991


Roa 1995

Non PCV study

Robbins 1983

PPV study

Robbins 1998


Robbins 2002


Robke 2002

Non PCV study

Rocha 1999

Non PCV study

Rodriguez 1998

Outcome was immunogenicity

Rosen 1983

PPV study with AOM and other URTIs as endpoint

Rosen 1984a

PPV study with OM as endpoint

Rosen 1984b

PPV study with herd immunity as endpoint

Rubin 2000


Rudolph 2002


Rusen 1997


Russell 2003


Sacristan 1997

Non PCV study

Saeland 1998

Subjects comprised of infants and mice

Saeland 2001

Subjects comprised of mice

Safran 1990

Non PCV study

Safwat 1999

Non PCV study

Sanal 1999


Sanders 1994


Santosham 1993

Non PCV study

Santosham 2001

PPV study

Sawae 1991

Non PCV study

Scherl 1987

Non PCV study

Schleupner 1988

Non PCV study

Schmitt 2001a

Non RCT (Board Meeting report)

Schmitt 2001b

Outcome measures were immunogenicity and safety

Schmitt 2003

Outcome measures were safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity

Schopflocher 2003


Schuller 1983

Non PCV study

Schwartz 1982

PPV study

Sell 1981

Non PCV study

Selman 2000


Semple 2003


Serjeant 1985

Non PCV study

Shah 2002


Shahid 1995

Subjects were mothers and infants

Shann 1998

Non RCT (commentary)

Shann 2001

Non RCT(Critical appraisal)

Sheikh 2002

PPV study

Shelly 1998

Subjects comprised of adults

Shelly 2001

Non PCV study

Shenderey 1985

Non PCV study

Shiba 1995a

Non PCV study

Shiba 1995b

Non PCV study

Shinefield 1999

Outcome was immunogenicity

Shinefield 2000


Shinefield 2001a

Subjects comprised of premature and low birth weight infants

Shinefield 2001b


Shinefield 2002a

Outcome was efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety in low birth weight and preterm infants

Shinefield 2002b


Shinefield 2002c


Shurin 1993

Non PCV study

Siber 1992

Non PCV study

Siber 1994


Sigurdardottir 1997


Sigurdardottir 2000

Outcome measures were safety and immunogenicity

Sigurdardottir 2002a

Outcome was optimal formulation of a mixed carrier for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

Sigurdardottir 2002b

Outcome was nasopharyngeal carriage

Sikkema 2000

Non PCV study

Silk 1998

PPV study

Singleton 2002

Non RCT (post‐vaccination surveillance)

Slatter 2003

PPV study

Sleeman 2001


Sloyer 1981

PPV study

Smego 2000

Non RCT study (Correspondence)

Smith 1990


Smucny 1998

Non PCV study

Soderstrom 1991

Non PCV study

Soepandi 1998

Non PCV study

Soininen 1999

Subjects were adults

Soininen 2000


Sorensen 1998


Soult‐Rubio 2001


Sox 2003


Sperling 1996

Non PCV study

Spoulou 2000

Outcome was kinetics of antibody concentrations and avidity

Sprabery 2001


Steele 1996


Steele 1998

Outcome measures were safety and immunogenicity

Steinhoff 1994a

Outcome was antibody response

Steinhoff 1994b

Outcome was immunogenicity

Straetemans 2003a


Straetemans 2003b

Outcome was effectiveness against AOM

Strnad 1998

Subjects comprised of patients with mild allergic asthma

Strutton 2003


Subramaniam 2003

PPV study

Syrogiannopoulos 02


Tan 1993


Tan 2000


Teele 1981

PPV study

Thomas 1996

Non PCV study

Thomas 2000


Torzillo 2000


Toyonaga 1995

Non PCV study

Trannoy 2000

Non PCV study

Turner 2003

Non PCV study

Ugpo 2002

Outcome was safety

Usen 1998


Vakevainen 2001


Valtonen 1986

Non PCV study

Van‐Kempen 2001

Non PCV study (Hib study)

Veenhoven 2000

Subjects comprised of children 1 to 6 years old

Veenhoven 2002a

Outcome was efficacy against acute otitis media

Veenhoven 2002b

Subjects comprised of children 1‐6 years of age

Veenhoven 2003a

Outcome was AOM

Veenhoven 2003b

Outcome was effectiveness against AOM in children 1 to 6 years old

Veenhoven 2003c

Outcome was effect on otitis media and nasopharyngeal carriage on children with recurrent otitis media

Venetz 1998


Vernacchio 1998

Subjects were children and young adults

Vernacchio 2000


Vernacchio 2002

Outcome was safety and adjuvant properties

Vidarsson 1998

Subjects comprised of adults and infants

Vigano 1998

Non PCV study

Vincken 1993

Non PCV study

Virolainen 2000


Visser 2003


von Kries 2000

Non RCT (a prospective surveillance study)

Wallace 1985

Non PCV study

Watson 2000


Watt 2002

Subjects were adult family members of vaccinees

Weber 2003


Weightman 2003


Wettengel 1993

Non PCV study

Whitney 2002


Wiesner 1993

Non PCV study

Wilimas 1993

Non PCV study

Williamson 1984

Non PCV study

Wischnack 1995

Non RCT (survey of parents concerning AOM prevention)

Wuorimaa 1998

Subjects comprised of adults

Wuorimaa 2000

Subjects comprised of adults and toddlers

Wuorimaa 2001a

Outcome measures were tolerability and immunogenicity

Wuorimaa 2001b

Subjects comprised of adults

Wuorimaa 2001c

Outcome was avidity

Wuorimaa 2001d

Outcome measures were tolerability and immunogenicity

Wuorimaa 2001e

Outcome was development of IgG avidity

Wuorimaa 2002a


Wuorimaa 2002b

Subjects were toddlers who were vaccinated with PCV during infancy

Wuorimaa 2002c


Yaich 2000


Yeh 2003

Outcome was nasopharyngeal carriage

Yu 1999


Zangwill 2003

Outcome measures were immunogenicity and safety

Zielen 2000

Non RCT (Open trial)

Zimmerman 2001


Zysk 2003

Subjects were adults

AOM = acute otitis media
CSG = Canadian Study Group
ESPID = European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases
Hib = Haemophilus influenza type b
IgG = immunoglobulin G
PCV = Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
PPV = Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
OM = otitis media
RCT = randomized, controlled trial
URTIs = upper respiratory tract infections
Nachman 2003 has an abstract listed as Nachman 2001 in the Additional References presented earlier in a convention.
Veenhoven 2003c has an abstract listed as Veenhoven 2002c in the Additional References presented earlier in a convention.

Characteristics of ongoing studies [ordered by study ID]

Bohol PCV trial

Trial name or title

Effectiveness of 11‐Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against pneumonia in children less than 6 months of age



< 6 ‐month‐old children


11‐valent Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine to be given at 6,10 and 14 weeks of age


a) efficacy against community‐
acquired x‐ray proven pneumonia
b) efficacy against community‐ acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization
c) efficacy against community‐ acquired pneumonia not requiring hospitalization
d) efficacy against culture‐ proven vaccine type specific invasive pneumococcal disease
e) safety of an 11‐valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

Starting date

July 5, 2000

Contact information

Dr. Marilla Lucero
Tel. No. +632‐807‐2634
E‐mail: [email protected]


Gambia PCV trial

Trial name or title

Efficacy Trial of a 9‐valent pneumococcal
Conjugate Vaccine in healthy 2‐month‐old‐



< 6 ‐month‐old children


9‐valent S. pneumoniae conjugate vaccine at 2,3 and 4 months of age


a) radiological pneumonia
b) invasive pneumococcal disease
c) mortality due to pneumonia
b) invasive disease

Starting date

Contact information


Data and analyses

Open in table viewer
Comparison 1. Invasive Disease (All Types)

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.34 [0.21, 0.54]

Analysis 1.1

Comparison 1 Invasive Disease (All Types), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 1 Invasive Disease (All Types), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (FIXED).

2 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.32 [0.15, 0.69]

Analysis 1.2

Comparison 1 Invasive Disease (All Types), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 1 Invasive Disease (All Types), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (RANDOM).

Open in table viewer
Comparison 2. Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type)

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.12 [0.06, 0.27]

Analysis 2.1

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED).

2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.12 [0.06, 0.27]

Analysis 2.2

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM).

3 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.14 [0.05, 0.39]

Analysis 2.3

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 3 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (FIXED).

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 3 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (FIXED).

4 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.14 [0.05, 0.40]

Analysis 2.4

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 4 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (RANDOM).

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 4 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (RANDOM).

Open in table viewer
Comparison 3. Invasive Disease (Non‐Vaccine Type)

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.99 [0.40, 2.43]

Analysis 3.1

Comparison 3 Invasive Disease (Non‐Vaccine Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 3 Invasive Disease (Non‐Vaccine Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED).

2 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.99 [0.40, 2.43]

Analysis 3.2

Comparison 3 Invasive Disease (Non‐Vaccine Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 3 Invasive Disease (Non‐Vaccine Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM).

Open in table viewer
Comparison 4. Invasive Disease (Vaccine‐related Type)

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

1.09 [0.26, 4.69]

Analysis 4.1

Comparison 4 Invasive Disease (Vaccine‐related Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 4 Invasive Disease (Vaccine‐related Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (FIXED).

2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

1.09 [0.26, 4.69]

Analysis 4.2

Comparison 4 Invasive Disease (Vaccine‐related Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 4 Invasive Disease (Vaccine‐related Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (RANDOM).

Open in table viewer
Comparison 5. X‐ray confirmed pneumonia

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.78 [0.69, 0.89]

Analysis 5.1

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 1 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 1 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (FIXED).

2 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.78 [0.69, 0.89]

Analysis 5.2

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 2 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 2 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (RANDOM).

3 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.76 [0.65, 0.89]

Analysis 5.3

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 3 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (FIXED).

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 3 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (FIXED).

4 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.76 [0.65, 0.89]

Analysis 5.4

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 4 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (RANDOM).

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 4 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (RANDOM).

Open in table viewer
Comparison 6. Clinical pneumonia

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.93 [0.86, 1.00]

Analysis 6.1

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 1 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 1 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (FIXED).

2 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.93 [0.86, 1.00]

Analysis 6.2

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 2 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 2 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (RANDOM).

3 Clinical pneumonia, PP (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.94 [0.86, 1.03]

Analysis 6.3

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 3 Clinical pneumonia, PP (FIXED).

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 3 Clinical pneumonia, PP (FIXED).

4 Clinical pneumonia, PP (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.94 [0.86, 1.03]

Analysis 6.4

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 4 Clinical pneumonia, PP (RANDOM).

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 4 Clinical pneumonia, PP (RANDOM).

Comparison 1 Invasive Disease (All Types), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (FIXED).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 1.1

Comparison 1 Invasive Disease (All Types), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 1 Invasive Disease (All Types), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (RANDOM).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 1.2

Comparison 1 Invasive Disease (All Types), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 2.1

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 2.2

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 3 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (FIXED).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 2.3

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 3 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (FIXED).

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 4 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (RANDOM).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 2.4

Comparison 2 Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type), Outcome 4 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (RANDOM).

Comparison 3 Invasive Disease (Non‐Vaccine Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 3.1

Comparison 3 Invasive Disease (Non‐Vaccine Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 3 Invasive Disease (Non‐Vaccine Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 3.2

Comparison 3 Invasive Disease (Non‐Vaccine Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 4 Invasive Disease (Vaccine‐related Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (FIXED).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 4.1

Comparison 4 Invasive Disease (Vaccine‐related Type), Outcome 1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 4 Invasive Disease (Vaccine‐related Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (RANDOM).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 4.2

Comparison 4 Invasive Disease (Vaccine‐related Type), Outcome 2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 1 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (FIXED).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 5.1

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 1 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 2 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (RANDOM).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 5.2

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 2 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 3 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (FIXED).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 5.3

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 3 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (FIXED).

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 4 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (RANDOM).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 5.4

Comparison 5 X‐ray confirmed pneumonia, Outcome 4 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (RANDOM).

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 1 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (FIXED).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 6.1

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 1 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (FIXED).

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 2 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (RANDOM).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 6.2

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 2 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (RANDOM).

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 3 Clinical pneumonia, PP (FIXED).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 6.3

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 3 Clinical pneumonia, PP (FIXED).

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 4 Clinical pneumonia, PP (RANDOM).
Figuras y tablas -
Analysis 6.4

Comparison 6 Clinical pneumonia, Outcome 4 Clinical pneumonia, PP (RANDOM).

Table 1. Quality scale for meta‐analytic review

Subtle bias

Frank bias

Selection Bias [A] [B] [C]

Were there attempts at allocation concealment?

Were the groups being compared balanced in terms of known determinants of outcome?

If not A, check direction of BIAS

Example: Use of opaque envelopes, allocation by a 3rd party.

Note: Magnitude of any difference is more important than the p‐value.

[ ] Overestimate[ ] Underestimate[ ] Hard to determine

Comments:_______________________[ ]Y [ ] N [ ]NS

Comments:___________________[ ]Y [ ] N [ ]NS

Performance Bias [A] [B] [C]

Was the physician caring for the patient blinded regarding treatment?

Were the two groups treated equally in terms of other medication received, frequency of follow‐up and general quality of care?

If not A, check direction of BIAS[ ]

Note: If an identical placebo was used, the answer is probably (but not always) yes.

Note: In some studies, treated patients are seen more often than the controls, or receive different medications.

Overestimate[ ] Underestimate[ ] Hard to determine

Comments:_______________________[ ]Y [ ] N [ ]NS

Comments:___________________[ ]Y [ ] N [ ]NS

Exclusion Bias [A] [B] [C]

Was an intention‐to‐treat analysis conducted?

Are the drop‐out rates comparable?

If not A, check direction of BIAS

Note: Withdrawals are patients who failed to comply with treatment. If outcomes are known for these patients, and they are analyzed as if they complied, this is an ITT analysis.

Note: Drop‐out are patients for whom outcome is uncertain. The denominator in the analysis will be less than the total number of patients randomized.

[ ] Overestimate[ ] Underestimate[ ] Hard to determine

Comments:________________________[ ]Y [ ] N [ ]NS

Comments:___________________[ ]Y [ ] N [ ]NS

Detection Bias [A] [B] [C]

Were the persons making an outcome assessment blinded regarding treatment?

Are the outcome detection methods used similar in both groups?

If not A, check direction of BIAS

Note: The outcome assessor maybe a patient, his physician, or a 3rd party. If an identical placebo was used, the answer is probably (but not always) yes.

Note: In some studies, the criteria used for outcome measurement differ between groups being compared.

[ ] Overestimate[ ] Underestimate[ ] Hard to determine

Comments:_________________________[ ]Y [ ] N [ ]NS

Comments:____________________[ ]Y [ ] N [ ]NS

Note: Please include comments to explain any "N" or "Y" rating, citing the page, column and paragraph number.


REVIEWER: ______________________________


OVER‐ALL SCORE:_________

Figuras y tablas -
Table 1. Quality scale for meta‐analytic review
Comparison 1. Invasive Disease (All Types)

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.34 [0.21, 0.54]

2 Invasive Disease, All Serotypes ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.32 [0.15, 0.69]

Figuras y tablas -
Comparison 1. Invasive Disease (All Types)
Comparison 2. Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type)

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.12 [0.06, 0.27]

2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.12 [0.06, 0.27]

3 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.14 [0.05, 0.39]

4 Invasive Disease, Vaccine Serotype PP (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.14 [0.05, 0.40]

Figuras y tablas -
Comparison 2. Invasive Disease (Vaccine Type)
Comparison 3. Invasive Disease (Non‐Vaccine Type)

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.99 [0.40, 2.43]

2 Invasive Disease, Non Vaccine Serotype ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.99 [0.40, 2.43]

Figuras y tablas -
Comparison 3. Invasive Disease (Non‐Vaccine Type)
Comparison 4. Invasive Disease (Vaccine‐related Type)

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

1.09 [0.26, 4.69]

2 Invasive Disease, Vaccine‐related Serotype ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

1.09 [0.26, 4.69]

Figuras y tablas -
Comparison 4. Invasive Disease (Vaccine‐related Type)
Comparison 5. X‐ray confirmed pneumonia

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.78 [0.69, 0.89]

2 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.78 [0.69, 0.89]

3 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.76 [0.65, 0.89]

4 X‐ray confirmed Pneumonia PP (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.76 [0.65, 0.89]

Figuras y tablas -
Comparison 5. X‐ray confirmed pneumonia
Comparison 6. Clinical pneumonia

Outcome or subgroup title

No. of studies

No. of participants

Statistical method

Effect size

1 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.93 [0.86, 1.00]

2 Clinical pneumonia, ITT (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.93 [0.86, 1.00]

3 Clinical pneumonia, PP (FIXED) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Fixed, 95% CI)

0.94 [0.86, 1.03]

4 Clinical pneumonia, PP (RANDOM) Show forest plot


Relative Risk (Random, 95% CI)

0.94 [0.86, 1.03]

Figuras y tablas -
Comparison 6. Clinical pneumonia