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Mindfulness‐based stress reduction for family carers of people with dementia

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Appendix 1. MEDLINE search strategy

1 Dementia/

2 Delirium/

3 Wernicke Encephalopathy/

4 Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic, Cognitive Disorders/

5 ("benign senescent forgetfulness" or ("normal pressure hydrocephalus" and "shunt*") or ("organic brain disease" or "organic brain syndrome") or ((cerebral* or cerebrovascular or cerebro‐vascular) adj2 insufficien*) or (cerebr* adj2 deteriorat*) or (chronic adj2 (cerebrovascular or cerebro‐vascular)) or (creutzfeldt or jcd or cjd) or (lewy* adj2 bod*) or (pick* adj2 disease) or alzheimer* or binswanger* or deliri* or dement* or huntington* or korsako*).tw.

6 OR/1‐5

7 Caregivers/

8 (caregiver* or care‐giver* or "care giver*" or carer* or daughter* or dependents or families* or family* or folk* or kinship or parent* or relatives or spouse* or wife* or wives* or husband*).ti,ab.

9 OR/7‐8

10 exp Mindfulness/

11 MBSR.ti,ab.

12 mindful*.ti,ab.

13 "mindful*".ti,ab.

14 meditation/

15 meditat*.ti,ab.

16 OR/10‐15

17. randomized controlled

18. controlled clinical

19. randomized.ab.

20. placebo.ab.

21. drug therapy.fs.

22. randomly.ab.

23. trial.ab.

24. groups.ab.

25 OR/17‐24

26 6 AND 9 AND 16 AND 25