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Rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews

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This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Overview). The objectives are as follows:

This review will systematically evaluate evidence from published Cochrane Reviews/meta analyses of clinical trials to determine the effectiveness and safety of rehabilitation interventions for the management of people with MS, in order to improve patient outcomes and will highlight current gaps in knowledge. Specific questions to be addressed by this review include the following.

  • Are rehabilitation interventions (unidisciplinary, or multidisciplinary, or both) effective in minimising impairment, activity limitation, and participation restriction in people with MS?

  • Are rehabilitation interventions (unidisciplinary, or multidisciplinary, or both) effective in minimising the burden of care and improving quality of life in people with MS?

  • What types of rehabilitation interventions (unidisciplinary, or multidisciplinary,or both) are effective in people with MS, and in which setting?

The specific aim of the review is to compile evidence from published multiple Cochrane Reviews of interventions for people with MS into one accessible and coherent document to be used by clinicians, researchers, funding bodies, policy makers, and consumers to aid decision making and evidence implementation.