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Tratamiento complementario con felbamato para la epilepsia focal farmacorresistente

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Esta es una versión actualizada de la revisión Cochrane publicada por primera vez en 2011, y cuya actualización más reciente es de 2019.

La epilepsia es un trastorno neurológico crónico y incapacitante que afecta aproximadamente al 1% de la población. Hasta el 30% de las personas con epilepsia tienen convulsiones que son resistentes a los fármacos antiepilépticos disponibles actualmente y requieren tratamiento con una combinación de múltiples fármacos antiepilépticos. El felbamato es un fármaco antiepiléptico de segunda generación que puede utilizarse como tratamiento adicional a los fármacos antiepilépticos estándar.


Evaluar la eficacia y tolerabilidad del felbamato versus placebo cuando se utiliza como tratamiento complementario en personas con epilepsia de inicio focal resistente a los fármacos.

Métodos de búsqueda

Para la última actualización se hicieron búsquedas en el Registro Cochrane de estudios (CRS Web) y en MEDLINE (Ovid, 1946 hasta el 13 de julio de 2021) el 15 de julio de 2021. No hubo ninguna restricción de idioma o de fecha. Se buscaron informes adicionales de estudios pertinentes en las listas de referencias de los estudios identificados. Además, se estableció contacto con los fabricantes de felbamato y expertos en el tema para obtener información sobre otros ensayos no publicados y en curso.

Criterios de selección

Se buscaron estudios adicionales aleatorizados controlados con placebo en personas de cualquier edad con convulsiones focales resistentes a los fármacos. Los estudios podían ser doble ciego o con cegamiento simple o sin cegamiento y de diseño paralelo o cruzado (cross‐over).

Obtención y análisis de los datos

Dos autores de la revisión seleccionaron de forma independiente los estudios para inclusión y extrajeron los datos. En caso de desacuerdos, un tercer autor de la revisión actuó como árbitro. Los autores de la revisión evaluaron los siguientes desenlaces: reducción del 50% o más de la frecuencia de las crisis epilépticas; reducción absoluta o porcentual de la frecuencia de las crisis epilépticas; retiro del tratamiento; efectos adversos; calidad de vida.

Resultados principales

En la revisión se incluyeron cuatro ensayos controlados aleatorizados, que representan un total de 236 participantes. Dos ensayos tenían un diseño de grupos paralelos, el tercero tenía un diseño cruzado (cross‐over) de dos períodos y el cuarto tenía un diseño cruzado (cross‐over) de tres períodos. Se determinó que el riesgo de sesgo general fue incierto en cuatro estudios. El sesgo surgió a partir del informe incompleto de los detalles metodológicos, el informe incompleto y selectivo de los datos de desenlaces y de los participantes con regímenes farmacológicos inestables durante el tratamiento experimental en un ensayo. Debido a la significativa heterogeneidad metodológica, la heterogeneidad clínica y las diferencias en las medidas de desenlace, fue imposible realizar un metanálisis de los datos extraídos.

Sólo un estudio informó sobre el desenlace de una reducción del 50% o más en la frecuencia de las crisis epilépticas, mientras que tres estudios informaron sobre la reducción porcentual de la frecuencia de las convulsiones en comparación con el placebo. Un estudio describió una reducción media de las crisis epilépticas del 35,8% con el felbamato complementario, mientras que otro estudio describió una reducción más modesta del 4,2%. Ambos estudios informaron que la frecuencia de las crisis epilépticas aumentó con el placebo complementario y que hubo una diferencia significativa en la reducción de las convulsiones entre el felbamato y el placebo (p = 0,0005 y p = 0,018, respectivamente). El tercer estudio informó una reducción del 14% en la frecuencia de las crisis epilépticas con el felbamato complementario, pero declaró que la diferencia entre los tratamientos no era significativa. Hubo resultados contradictorios con respecto al retiro del tratamiento. Un estudio informó un mayor retiro del tratamiento para los participantes asignados al azar con placebo, mientras que los otros tres estudios informaron mayores tasas de retiro del tratamiento para los participantes asignados al azar con felbamato. Cabe destacar que las tasas de retiro del tratamiento para los grupos de tratamiento de felbamato en los cuatro estudios permanecieron razonablemente bajas (menos del 10%), lo que sugiere que el felbamato podría ser bien tolerado. Los participantes asignados al azar al felbamato se retiraron con mayor frecuencia del tratamiento debido a los efectos adversos. Los efectos adversos informados de forma consistente por los cuatro estudios fueron cefalea, mareos y náuseas. Los tres efectos adversos fueron informados por el 23% al 40% de los participantes tratados con felbamato versus el 3% al 15% de los participantes tratados con placebo.

La evidencia para todos los desenlaces se evaluó mediante el método GRADE y se encontró que era de certeza muy baja, lo que significa que se tiene poca confianza en los resultados proporcionados. La evidencia de la imprecisión se redujo principalmente debido a la síntesis narrativa realizada y al escaso número de eventos. Se hace hincapié en que el verdadero efecto del felbamato probablemente podría ser significativamente diferente del que se informa en esta actualización de la revisión actual.

Conclusiones de los autores

En vista de las deficiencias metodológicas, el número limitado de estudios incluidos y las diferencias en las medidas de desenlace, no se ha encontrado evidencia fiable que apoye el uso del felbamato como tratamiento complementario en las personas con epilepsia de inicio focal resistente a los fármacos. Se requiere un ensayo controlado aleatorizado a gran escala, realizado durante un período de tiempo más largo para informar la práctica clínica.



El uso y la enseñanza del modelo PICO están muy extendidos en el ámbito de la atención sanitaria basada en la evidencia para formular preguntas y estrategias de búsqueda y para caracterizar estudios o metanálisis clínicos. PICO son las siglas en inglés de cuatro posibles componentes de una pregunta de investigación: paciente, población o problema; intervención; comparación; desenlace (outcome).

Para saber más sobre el uso del modelo PICO, puede consultar el Manual Cochrane.

Felbamato utilizado con otros medicamentos antiepilépticos para la epilepsia focal resistente a los medicamentos


Hasta un 30% de las personas con epilepsia siguen sufriendo crisis epilépticas a pesar de haber probado múltiples medicamentos antiepilépticos, ya sea por separado o en combinación. Estas personas tienen lo que se llama epilepsia resistente a los medicamentos. La resistencia a los medicamentos es más común en personas con epilepsia focal (epilepsia que comienza inicialmente en un área del cerebro, pero que puede progresar hasta afectar a todo el cerebro). El felbamato es un medicamento antiepiléptico que podría ser efectivo para las personas con epilepsia focal resistente a los medicamentos cuando se usa con otros medicamentos antiepilépticos.

Objetivo de la revisión

Esta revisión investigó si el felbamato es efectivo y tolerable en las personas con epilepsia focal resistente a los medicamentos, cuando se utiliza con otros medicamentos antiepilépticos (tratamiento complementario).


Después de buscar en la bibliografía disponible, se encontraron cuatro ensayos, con 236 participantes, que investigaron el uso del felbamato en personas con epilepsia focal resistente a los medicamentos. Se incluyeron los cuatro ensayos en la revisión.

Aunque tres de los ensayos informaron una reducción porcentual en la frecuencia de las convulsiones, todos informaron resultados muy diferentes. Uno informó una reducción del 36% en la frecuencia de convulsiones con el felbamato, uno informó sólo una reducción del 4% con el felbamato y el otro ensayo informó que no hubo diferencias entre el felbamato y el placebo (un medicamento inactivo simulado). Por lo tanto, no se encontró evidencia clara que sugiera que el felbamato es mejor que el placebo para reducir la frecuencia de las crisis epilépticas en las personas con epilepsia focal resistente a los medicamentos. Además, hubo evidencia contradictoria acerca de si más personas se retiraron del tratamiento con felbamato o placebo. En particular, menos del 10% de las personas en cada ensayo se retiraron del tratamiento cuando estaban recibiendo felbamato, lo que sugiere que el felbamato podría tener buena tolerabilidad. Los efectos secundarios que se informaron en los cuatro ensayos (indicados como los más frecuentes) fueron dolor de cabeza, mareos y náuseas.

Calidad de la evidencia

Es importante señalar que los cuatro ensayos de esta revisión estudiaron un número pequeño de personas, durante un período de tiempo corto (menos de diez semanas). No se sabe con certeza si los hallazgos de esta revisión son exactos. Es probable que el verdadero efecto del felbamato pueda ser muy diferente al que se informa aquí. Se necesitan ensayos más grandes, realizados durante un período de tiempo más largo, para mejorar la certeza de los resultados informados en esta revisión.

La evidencia está actualizada hasta julio de 2021.

Authors' conclusions

Implications for practice

We have not identified any additional studies since the previous update of this review (Shi 2017). The quality of existing data is poor and, consequently, it is not possible to ascertain whether there is a treatment effect, or to define the size of any potential treatment effect. There is currently no convincing evidence to suggest that felbamate, when used as an add‐on therapy, reduces seizure frequency for people with drug‐resistant focal epilepsy. The most commonly reported adverse effects in the included short‐term studies were headache, nausea and dizziness. None of the studies reported aplastic anaemia or hepatic failure. Evidence for the use of felbamate as an antiepileptic drug remains insufficient.

Implications for research

A large‐scale, randomised controlled trial conducted over a longer period of time (at least one year) is required to inform clinical practice. The trial should recruit a heterogeneous population with well‐defined seizure and epilepsy types. This will allow the identification of patient factors, pathology, seizure types and baseline antiepileptic drugs associated with the greatest benefit or harm. In addition, research is increasingly being undertaken into epilepsy genetics, with regard to the factors contributing to drug‐resistant epilepsy, to identify the people in which antiepileptic drugs will achieve the greatest efficacy. Such investigations should be incorporated into future research exploring the use of add‐on felbamate.

Summary of findings

Open in table viewer
Summary of findings 1. Add‐on felbamate compared to placebo for drug‐resistant focal epilepsy

Add‐on felbamate compared to placebo for drug‐resistant focal epilepsy

Patient or population: people with drug‐resistant focal epilepsy
Setting: inpatients and outpatients
Intervention: felbamate
Comparison: placebo


Anticipated absolute effects* (95% CI)

Relative effect
(95% CI)

№ of participants

Certainty of the evidence


Risk with placebo

Risk with felbamate

50% or greater reduction in seizure frequency

Follow‐up: 8 weeks

No pooled analysis

(1 RCT)

Very lowa,b

In the one study that reported this outcome (Binelli 1999), 38% of participants who were allocated to add‐on felbamate had a > 50% reduction in seizures. Of these, 11% had complete cessation of seizures. No data were reported for participants randomised to add‐on placebo.

Absolute or percentage reduction in seizure frequency

Follow‐up (range): 8 weeks to 10 weeks

No pooled analysis

(3 RCTs)

Very lowa,b,c

One study reported a percentage reduction in seizure frequency of 35.8% for participants randomised to felbamate compared to a percentage increase of 3.3% for those randomised to placebo (Binelli 1999). Another study reported a less striking percentage reduction in seizure frequency with add‐on felbamate (4.24 ± 55.61%) but a much larger increase in seizure frequency with add‐on placebo (‐19.14 ± 79.70%) (Leppik 1991). Notably, the direction of effect was the same for both of these studies. The third study reported that there was no significant difference in seizure reduction between the two treatment groups (Theodore 1991).

Treatment withdrawal

Follow‐up (range): 2 weeks to 10 weeks

No pooled analysis

(4 RCTs)

Very lowa,b,d

Three of the studies reported a higher treatment withdrawal amongst participants randomised to felbamate compared to placebo (Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991; Theodore 1991). However, one study reported a lower treatment withdrawal rate for participants randomised to felbamate compared to placebo (4 vs 8 participants, respectively) (Binelli 1999). The two cross‐over studies specifically reported that no participants withdrew from treatment during the placebo treatment period (Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991). The direction of effect is therefore unclear.

Adverse effects

Follow‐up (range): 2 weeks to 10 weeks

No pooled analysis

(4 RCTs)

Very lowa,b

Amongst the adverse effects reported, headache and dizziness were both reported by all four studies whilst diplopia, nausea and vomiting were each reported by three of the included studies. Two of the studies described the incidence of adverse effects for both treatment groups (Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991). The number of participants experiencing individual adverse effects was consistently higher amongst those randomised to felbamate compared to placebo. Other reported adverse effects included: ataxia, fatigue and blurred vision.

Quality of life

Follow‐up: 4 weeks

No pooled analysis

(1 RCT)

Very lowa,b

One study reported that motor skills and memory skills, as assessed by a Short Neuropsychological Test, remained the same or improved following treatment (Bourgeois 1993). The study did not, however, indicate whether there was any difference in outcome between the add‐on felbamate and placebo treatment groups.

CI: confidence interval; RCT: randomised controlled trial

GRADE Working Group grades of evidence
High certainty: we are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect.
Moderate certainty: we are moderately confident in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility that it is substantially different.
Low certainty: our confidence in the effect estimate is limited: the true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect.
Very low certainty: we have very little confidence in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect.

aWe downgraded evidence once for risk of bias due to a lack of methodological details provided, incomplete outcome data, incomplete reporting of outcomes, and other potential bias regarding the stability of participants' drug regimen.
bWe downgraded evidence once for imprecision due to the narrative synthesis conducted and the absence of an estimated effect size. We downgraded evidence again for imprecision because the number of events did not satisfy the optimal information size.
cWe downgraded evidence once for inconsistency because the magnitude of effect varied greatly between the three studies that reported this outcome.
dWe downgraded evidence once for inconsistency because one of the studies reported the opposite direction of effect for this outcome.


This is an updated version of the Cochrane Review first published in 2011, and most recently updated in 2019 (Shi 2010; Shi 2011; Shi 2014; Shi 2017; Shi 2019).

Description of the condition

Epilepsy is a chronic and disabling neurological disorder, characterised by seizures of various types and frequency. Epilepsy affects approximately 1% of the population (French 1999). Although up to two‐thirds of people with epilepsy will become seizure‐free on a single antiepileptic drug, up to 30% of people are considered to be drug‐resistant and are not seizure‐free, despite multiple medications (Granata 2009). Various criteria have been used to define drug‐resistant epilepsy. The consensus definition of drug‐resistant epilepsy proposed by the Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) is now, "failure of adequate trials of two tolerated and appropriately chosen and used antiepileptic drug schedules (whether as monotherapies or in combination) to achieve sustained seizure freedom" (Kwan 2010).

Over the past 15 to 20 years, numerous second‐generation antiepileptic drugs have become available, since standard drugs (e.g. carbamazepine, phenytoin, valproate) do not control all seizures in all people. Felbamate, one of these antiepileptic drugs, is the subject of this review.

Description of the intervention

Felbamate is an antiepileptic drug that can be taken orally. It is thought to be a broad‐spectrum drug that is effective for a number of seizure types (Pellock 1999). The use of felbamate has been limited following reports of aplastic anaemia and hepatic failure (Pellock 1999).

How the intervention might work

The exact mechanism of action is unclear. The following possible mechanisms have been suggested: the inhibition of N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate (NMDA) receptor‐related sodium currents; the potentiation of ϒ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)‐ergic activity; and the inhibition of voltage‐gated sodium channels (Kleckner 1999; Meldrum 1996; Rho 1994).

Why it is important to do this review

Felbamate is marketed in a number of countries as an add‐on treatment. A summary of data regarding its efficacy and tolerability from randomised controlled trials will help inform treatment decisions.


To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of felbamate versus placebo when used as an add‐on treatment for people with drug‐resistant focal‐onset epilepsy.


Criteria for considering studies for this review

Types of studies

Studies were required to meet all of these criteria:

  1. randomised controlled trials;

  2. parallel‐group or cross‐over design;

  3. double‐blind, single‐blind, or unblinded;

  4. placebo‐controlled.

Types of participants

Participants of any age with drug‐resistant focal‐onset seizures (simple focal, complex focal or secondarily generalised tonic‐clonic seizures).

Types of interventions

  1. The active treatment group received felbamate in addition to conventional antiepileptic drug treatment.

  2. The control group received matching placebo in addition to conventional antiepileptic drug treatment.

Types of outcome measures

Primary outcomes
50% or greater reduction in seizure frequency

The proportion of participants with a 50% or greater reduction in seizure frequency during the treatment period compared with the pre‐randomisation baseline period.

Secondary outcomes
Absolute or percentage reduction in seizure frequency

Absolute reduction in seizure frequency is the seizure frequency during the baseline period minus the seizure frequency in the treatment period. Percentage reduction in seizure frequency is the absolute reduction in seizure frequency divided by the seizure frequency during the baseline period, all multiplied by 100.

Treatment withdrawal

We used the proportion of participants having treatment withdrawn during the course of the treatment period as a measure of 'global effectiveness'. The treatment may have been withdrawn due to adverse effects, lack of efficacy or a combination of both.

Adverse effects

We recorded the proportion of participants experiencing these seven adverse effects:

  1. aplastic anaemia;

  2. hepatic failure;

  3. ataxia;

  4. dizziness;

  5. fatigue;

  6. nausea;

  7. somnolence.

We chose aplastic anaemia and hepatic failure as they had been reported as potential serious adverse effects of felbamate. We chose the other adverse effects as we considered them to be common and important adverse effects of all antiepileptic drugs.

We also extracted data regarding the proportion of participants experiencing the most common adverse effects (up to 10 adverse effects per study) if they were different from those listed above.

Quality of life

Since there is lack of consensus on how quality of life should be measured, we summarised data qualitatively.

Search methods for identification of studies

We ran the search for the original review on 20 May 2010, and ran subsequent searches on 24 July 2013, 4 Aug 2015, 20 October 2016, and 18 December 2018.

Electronic searches

For the latest update, we searched the following databases on 15 July 2021. There were no language and time restrictions.

  1. The Cochrane Register of Studies (CRS Web) using the search strategy outlined in Appendix 1.

  2. MEDLINE (Ovid, 1946 to 13 July 2021) using the search strategy outlined in Appendix 2.

CRS Web includes randomised or quasi‐randomised, controlled trials from the Specialised Registers of Cochrane Review Groups including Epilepsy, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), PubMed, Embase Ovid, (, and the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP,

Searching other resources

We reviewed the reference lists of retrieved studies to search for additional reports of relevant studies.

We contacted the manufacturers of felbamate and experts in the field for information about any unpublished or ongoing studies.

Data collection and analysis

Selection of studies

For the current review update, two review authors (RB and KMM) independently assessed studies for inclusion. We resolved disagreements through discussion.

For the previous review updates and the original review, two review authors (LS and JG) assessed studies for inclusion, whilst a third author (TW) arbitrated.

Data extraction and management

We extracted the relevant data from the included studies. During the previous review updates, as well as for the original review, two review authors (LS and JG) extracted the following information from the included studies whilst a third author (TW) arbitrated.

Methodological/trial design

  1. Method of randomisation and concealment of randomisation

  2. Method of blinding

  3. Duration of baseline period

  4. Duration of treatment period

  5. Duration of 'wash‐out' period in cross‐over studies

  6. Dose(s) of felbamate tested

  7. Description of withdrawals and dropouts

Participant demographic information

  1. Total number of participants allocated to each treatment group

  2. Age and sex

  3. Types of seizure

  4. Mean baseline seizure frequency

  5. Number of background drugs (i.e. medication(s) that the participants were already taking before inclusion in the trial).


We recorded the number of participants experiencing each outcome (see Types of outcome measures) per randomised group.

Assessment of risk of bias in included studies

For the current update, two review authors (RB and KMM) independently assessed the risk of bias of the included studies using the Cochrane risk of bias tool, as outlined in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Higgins 2017). During previous review updates, and during the original review, two other review authors (LS and JG) independently assessed studies for bias. In total, we assessed the studies across seven risk of bias domains:

  1. random sequence generation (selection bias);

  2. allocation concealment (selection bias);

  3. blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias);

  4. blinding of outcome assessors (detection bias);

  5. incomplete outcome data (attrition bias);

  6. selective outcome reporting (reporting bias);

  7. other bias.

We described supporting information for each of our judgements for each study. We resolved disagreements by discussion. If disagreements persisted, a third review author (TW) arbitrated.

Measures of treatment effect

We planned to express relative treatment effects as risk ratios with 95% confidence intervals for dichotomous data, and mean differences with 95% confidence intervals for continuous data. We would have considered a P value of less than or equal to 0.05 as statistically significant.

Unit of analysis issues

The inclusion of cross‐over studies in a meta‐analysis introduces unit of analysis issues. This is because the repeated measures design, utilised by cross‐over studies, means that each participant contributes data to both or all treatment groups. The statistical methods of the meta‐analysis require that both treatment groups remain independent of each other, an assumption that is therefore broken by the inclusion of cross‐over studies (Stedman 2011).

If we had performed a meta‐analysis, we would have extracted data from the first treatment period of the included cross‐over studies. Essentially, we would have regarded the first treatment period as a parallel study, thus preventing data from the same participant being considered twice, whilst simultaneously avoiding any issues of carry‐over effect. As we did not conduct a meta‐analysis, and therefore did not require the assumption of independent groups to be met, and because the first period data were not available from the study publications, we have included all data in the narrative synthesis.

Dealing with missing data

We planned to carry out intention‐to‐treat analysis according to the treatment allocation, regardless of the final treatment received. We would have assumed that participants who did not complete follow‐up or who had inadequate seizure data were non‐responders.

Assessment of heterogeneity

We assessed clinical heterogeneity by comparing the distribution of important participant factors between included studies (age, predominant seizure type, duration of epilepsy, number of antiepileptic drugs taken at time of randomisation). We assessed methodological heterogeneity by comparing included studies (randomisation, concealment, blinding, losses to follow‐up).

Assessment of reporting biases

We planned to assess the reporting bias, according to Chapter 10 of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Sterne 2017). Specifically, we had planned to assess potential publication bias using funnel plots had we included ten or more studies in the review.

Data synthesis

We planned to analyse the data using Review Manager 5.3 (Review Manager 2014). Unfortunately, due to the nature of the included studies, we did not feel that it was appropriate to combine the data into a meta‐analysis. Instead, we conducted a narrative synthesis of the data.

Subgroup analysis and investigation of heterogeneity

We planned subgroup analysis according to age, seizure type, duration of epilepsy, and number of antiepileptic drugs taken at the time of randomisation. Due to insufficient data included in the review and due to narrative synthesis, these analyses were not possible.

Sensitivity analysis

We planned to perform sensitivity analyses to investigate the robustness of the meta‐analysis by removing the studies associated with high risk of bias, or by excluding studies with large effect size. Although we were unable to conduct the planned sensitivity analyses, we considered these factors when critically analysing the results of the review during the discussion (see Summary of main results).

Summary of findings and assessment of the certainty of the evidence

We used the GRADE approach, as outlined in the GRADE Handbook (Schünemann 2013), to interpret findings, and GRADEpro GDT software (which imports data from Review Manager 5 software (Review Manager 2014), to produce a summary of findings table. We assessed all of the review outcomes using GRADE and included them in summary of findings Table 1. We assessed the evidence for each outcome across eight criteria (risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, publication bias, effect size, presence of plausible confounding factors, and dose‐response gradient) to determine its certainty.


Description of studies

Results of the search

The searches yielded 188 records, of which 154 records remained after removing 34 duplicates. We assessed that eight records were potentially eligible for inclusion after title and abstract screening. Following the screening of the full‐text articles of the eight remaining records, we excluded four of these records (Li 1996; Sachdeo 1990; Theodore 1990; Wilder 1991), and listed the reasons for exclusion in Characteristics of excluded studies. We thus judged that the remaining four records were eligible for inclusion in the review (Binelli 1999; Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991; Theodore 1991).

See Figure 1 for the study flow selection diagram (Moher 2009).

Flow chart of study selection

Flow chart of study selection

Included studies

See Characteristics of included studies.

Four studies met our inclusion criteria, with a total of 236 participants (Binelli 1999; Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991; Theodore 1991). Although all four studies were randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trials, they otherwise largely varied in study design. Two of the studies were parallel‐group trials, one was a two‐period cross‐over trial, and the other was a three‐period cross‐over trial. They utilised varying felbamate doses, varying treatment periods, differing baseline antiepileptic drugs, and differing methodology for assessment of efficacy. Participants randomised in the four studies also had differing seizure frequency during baseline.

Binelli 1999 was a parallel‐group trial including an eight‐week baseline period, followed by an undefined titration period where the dose was gradually increased to the maximum tolerated dose and was then maintained over an eight‐week maintenance phase. Participants were required to have at least eight seizures during the eight‐week baseline period. Additionally, participants' concomitant antiepileptic therapy could be made up of no more than two of the following drugs: carbamazepine, γ‐vinyl‐GABA, lamotrigine, gabapentin and benzodiazepine. However, there was no description of which drugs the felbamate group or the placebo group received. No other inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria were mentioned in the study. The study included a total of 83 participants who were randomised to one of two treatment groups, up to 3600 mg/day of felbamate or placebo.

Likewise, Bourgeois 1993 was a parallel‐group trial, which consisted of a four‐week baseline period as well as a four‐week treatment period, inclusive of a three‐day titration period. Specifically, participants underwent a routine evaluation for epilepsy surgery at the end of the four‐week baseline period. The treatment period immediately followed the surgical evaluation period and consisted of eight hospital days and 21 outpatient days. The study utilised strict diagnosis requiring video/electroencephalogram (EEG)‐confirmed focal‐onset seizures. The study publication defined both inclusion and exclusion criteria. To be eligible for inclusion, seizure frequency could not exceed an average of four complex focal‐onset seizures or feature more than one secondarily generalised seizure per day, during the last three days of the surgical evaluation. Moreover, participants were also required to have a minimum average of one seizure per day for the last three days of the surgical evaluation period. Participants had to be at least 18 years of age and have a body weight of at least 40 kg. A total of 64 participants were randomised into the study by Bourgeois 1993. Participants were randomised to receive either 3600 mg/day of felbamate (or their maximum tolerated dose) or placebo.

Importantly, during the surgical evaluation period of the Bourgeois 1993 study, standard antiepileptic drugs were reduced or discontinued. Throughout the subsequent hospitalisation period (the first eight days of the treatment period), the participants continued with the same antiepileptic drug regimen present on the last day of the surgical evaluation period. Once participants entered the second phase of the treatment period (the 21 outpatient days), participants who were on less than the full baseline dosage of one standard antiepileptic drug returned to their pre‐surgical evaluation dosage of one antiepileptic drug. If participants were instead on a reduced dosage of two antiepileptic drugs, the dosage of one was restored to its pre‐surgical evaluation dose. All participants in the felbamate group were treated at the maximum dosage. Again, there was no description of which baseline antiepileptic drugs were being taken, or which participants on which antiepileptic drugs were the best responders to felbamate.

In contrast to the two previous studies, Leppik 1991 was a two‐period cross‐over study. The study included an eight‐week baseline period, an 8‐ to 10‐day titration period and 10‐week treatment period with an additional three‐week wash‐out period. Diagnosis of epilepsy was based on the observation of at least one ictal event by trained personnel and was supported by EEG. The inclusion criteria (participants required to have four or more focal seizures per month with no more than 20 subsequent seizure‐free days despite stable plasma concentrations of both phenytoin and carbamazepine) and exclusion criteria (people with medical conditions other than epilepsy, non‐compliant or unable to accurately report seizures) were well described. The concomitant antiepileptic drugs were phenytoin and carbamazepine. The trial included a total of 59 participants who were randomised to receive either add‐on felbamate (up to a maximum dose of 2600 mg/day) or placebo. Seizure data from the final eight weeks of the first and second treatment periods were used in the efficacy analyses.

Theodore 1991 was also a cross‐over study but instead consisted of three treatment periods. Specifically, there were four treatment sequences to which the 30 included participants could be allocated: felbamate‐placebo‐felbamate; felbamate‐placebo‐placebo; placebo‐felbamate‐placebo; placebo‐felbamate‐felbamate. The treatments were administered across alternating titration and analysis periods, each lasting two weeks, and were preceded by a three‐week baseline period. During the felbamate treatment periods, participants were titrated up to a target dose of 3000 mg/day of felbamate.The diagnosis of focal epilepsy was based on clinical (the observation of focal seizures with or without secondary generalisation), EEG (onset in one cortical region), and imaging (either focal imaging abnormality or normal scan) criteria. People who had at least six seizures during the baseline period, with at least one seizure occurring per individual week, were eligible for inclusion in the trial. The exclusion criteria (acquired by contacting the first study author) specified that people with treatable causes of seizures, metastatic tumours except skin cancer, progressive neurological disorders, other serious medical or psychiatric disorders, or a history of generalised tonic‐clonic status epilepticus were to be excluded from the trial.

Of note, Theodore 1991 also included a stabilisation period, prior to the baseline period. During this period, participants' antiepileptic drug regimens were altered or discontinued, such that participants were only receiving carbamazepine for the duration of the study. There was no description of mean baseline seizure frequencies. The mean seizure frequencies during baseline were not reported and were unavailable through contacting the first author of the study.

Excluded studies

See Characteristics of excluded studies.

All four excluded studies investigated the long‐term use of felbamate but were not placebo‐controlled, and, therefore, did not meet the inclusion criteria (Li 1996; Sachdeo 1990; Theodore 1990; Wilder 1991). Notably, two of the studies also did not investigate felbamate as an add‐on therapy but instead administered it as a monotherapy (Sachdeo 1990; Wilder 1991). Another of the excluded studies was an open‐label, long‐term extension study (Theodore 1990), which we recognised was a continuation of the cross‐over trial by Theodore 1991.

Risk of bias in included studies

See Figure 2 for a graph illustrating the risk of bias across all studies. See Figure 3 for a summary of the judgements made for each risk of bias domain for each individual study.

Risk of bias graph: review authors' judgements about each risk of bias item presented as percentages across all included studies

Risk of bias graph: review authors' judgements about each risk of bias item presented as percentages across all included studies

Risk of bias summary: review authors' judgements about each risk of bias item for each included study

Risk of bias summary: review authors' judgements about each risk of bias item for each included study

The risk of bias judgements for each domain for each study are detailed in the risk of bias tables, located below the Characteristics of included studies tables.


We awarded two of the included studies, Binelli 1999 and Leppik 1991, unclear risk of selection bias for both random sequence generation and allocation concealment. The two studies failed to describe the method used for either randomisation or allocation concealment. In contrast, we awarded the studies by Bourgeois 1993 and Theodore 1991 low risk of selection bias for both domains. The study by Bourgeois 1993 most likely used a permuted block randomisation sequence and participants were allocated to their respective treatment groups by personnel who were separate from the clinical sites. In Theodore 1991, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) statistician generated randomisation schedules and the pharmacy was then responsible for subsequent treatment allocation, rather than study personnel.


Binelli 1999 was described as being double‐blind; however, the study publication failed to provide specific details about how the blinding was achieved. We thus assessed that this study was at unclear risk of performance and detection bias. In contrast, correspondence with the authors of Bourgeois 1993 confirmed that participants and study personnel were blinded by using identical packaging for both treatment groups. Similarly, Leppik 1991 used matching placebo which would ensure the effective blinding of participants and study personnel. However, the study publication for Leppik 1991 also stated that all study medication was prepared under the supervision of an unblinded pharmacist. Although this suggests that the blinding was broken, it is necessary for the pharmacist to be unblinded to ensure that study kits are correctly packaged. We therefore agreed that blinding had most likely been effectively imposed and maintained. Finally, Theodore 1991 clarified through personal correspondence that none of the participants, physicians, nurses, social workers, or other study personnel knew what treatment participants were being given, at any time. We therefore judged these three studies to be at low risk of performance and detection bias (Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991; Theodore 1991).

Incomplete outcome data

Twelve out of the 83 (14.5%) randomised participants failed to complete the study by Binelli 1999. The study authors did not conduct an intention‐to‐treat analysis to compensate for the loss of data. We therefore judged that the study was at high risk of attrition bias.

In Leppik 1991, three of the 59 (5.1%) randomised participants did not complete the trial. Theodore 1991 featured a similar attrition rate with only two of the 30 (6.7%) randomised participants failing to complete the trial. Again, we included only the participants who completed the trial in the analysis, thus indicating that intention‐to‐treat analysis was not performed. We are, however, uncertain about whether the data from a small proportion participants would affect the overall conclusions of the trial. As a result, we have awarded both studies unclear risk of attrition bias, as opposed to high risk.

Notably, Bourgeois 1993 was the only included study to perform intention‐to‐treat analysis. In this study, three of the 64 (4.7%) randomised participants failed to complete the trial. However, their data were incorporated into subsequent statistical analyses. We thus judged that this study was associated with low risk of attrition bias.

Selective reporting

Two of the studies fully reported the results for all of the outcomes predefined in their respective methods sections (Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991). We thus judged that both studies were at low risk of reporting bias.

In contrast, the study publication for Binelli 1999 did not describe any intended outcomes in the methods section. As a result, we could not determine whether they had reported all intended outcomes. One of the cross‐over studies did report all outcomes (Theodore 1991). However, Theodore 1991 only reported the primary efficacy outcome, seizure frequency, for the felbamate treatment periods and failed to disclose seizure frequency during the placebo‐control treatment periods. Moreover, both Binelli 1999 and Theodore 1991 also failed to provide details of adverse effects that occurred during treatment with add‐on placebo. We consequently assessed that both studies were at unclear risk of reporting bias.

Other potential sources of bias

We were unable to determine whether there were any other potential sources of bias associated with the study by Binelli 1999 because of the poor reporting of the trial and the lack of methodological details provided. We thus suspect that there could potentially be other sources of bias. We consequently awarded the study an unclear risk of other bias.

We also judged that Bourgeois 1993 was at unclear risk of other bias. During the surgical evaluation period, participants' antiepileptic drug regimens were reduced or discontinued. Then, during the outpatients phase, the dose of one antiepileptic drug, taken as part of the participants' regimen, was subsequently increased to the dosage they were taking prior to the surgical evaluation. Altering the dosage of concomitant antiepileptic drugs would likely influence participants' seizure control but could also affect their responsiveness to the antiepileptic drug being trialled, felbamate. As a result, it is not clear whether the result being reported is due to the intervention or due to the alterations made to the concomitant antiepileptic drugs. Most studies require that participants must be on a stable drug regimen for at least one month prior to the study, making this study very unusual in design.

We did not detect any other potential sources of bias for the two remaining studies (Leppik 1991; Theodore 1991). We thus awarded these two studies low risk of other bias.

Effects of interventions

See: Summary of findings 1 Add‐on felbamate compared to placebo for drug‐resistant focal epilepsy

See summary of findings Table 1.

Due to methodological and clinical heterogeneity, it was not possible to perform a meta‐analysis of the study results. We have therefore presented a narrative synthesis for our outcome measures: 50% or greater reduction in seizure frequency, absolute or percentage reduction in seizure frequency, treatment withdrawal, adverse effects and quality of life. Furthermore, because the clinical characteristics of the participants in the four included studies were heterogeneous, we were also unable to carry out our planned subgroup analysis.

50% or greater reduction in seizure frequency

Only one study, involving 83 randomised participants, reported the primary outcome. Binelli 1999 reported that 38% of participants allocated to felbamate treatment experienced a 50% or greater reduction in seizure frequency. Moreover, 11% of these participants had complete cessation of seizures. The study authors did not, however, specify the number of placebo‐randomised participants who attained either 50% or greater seizure reduction or complete cessation of seizures.

Absolute or percentage reduction in seizure frequency

Three of the included studies (Binelli 1999Leppik 1991Theodore 1991), consisting of 172 participants, reported this outcome.

Binelli 1999 reported that participants randomised to add‐on felbamate, on average, experienced a 35.8% reduction in seizure frequency during the maintenance period. In contrast, participants randomised to the placebo group experienced a 3.3% average increase in seizure frequency. The study authors did not provide any information regarding variability (i.e. standard deviation or confidence intervals) but did report that the difference in percentage seizure reduction was significant (P = 0.0005).

Leppik 1991 reported that the mean seizure frequency during the final eight weeks of the treatment period for participants randomised to add‐on felbamate was 34.4 seizures per eight weeks compared to a mean seizure frequency of 40.2 seizures per eight weeks for those randomised to placebo. Both absolute reduction (felbamate: 4.95 ± 24.55, placebo: ‐0.36 ± 27.19, P = 0.046), and percentage reduction in seizure frequency (felbamate: 4.24 ± 55.61, placebo: ‐19.14 ± 79.70, P = 0.018) were significantly greater with add‐on felbamate than with add‐on placebo. Leppik 1991 performed an additional analysis using the data collected across the 10 weeks of each treatment period and reported that this analysis revealed similar results.

Theodore 1991 reported an average 14% reduction in seizure frequency during treatment with add‐on felbamate. Although the study publication did specifically state that the percentage reduction in seizure frequency was not significantly different between the two treatments, felbamate and placebo, they did not provide the mean percentage change in seizure frequency during the placebo treatment period. As a result, the study only partially reported the outcome.

Bourgeois 1993 did not report this outcome.

Treatment withdrawal

All four included studies (Binelli 1999Bourgeois 1993Leppik 1991Theodore 1991), involving all 236 randomised participants, reported treatment withdrawal.

Binelli 1999 reported that four participants randomised to felbamate withdrew from treatment. In two cases, treatment discontinuation was caused by adverse effects (diplopia in one case, asthenia and collapse in the other). One participant died from the consequences of a seizure, whilst the fourth withdrew consent. Eight of the participants randomised to add‐on placebo did not complete the study; however, the study authors did not provide any reasons.

Bourgeois 1993 reported that two participants in the felbamate group withdrew from treatment due to adverse effects. One participant in the placebo group withdrew consent.

Leppik 1991 reported that three participants withdrew from treatment during the felbamate period because of diplopia, nausea and vomiting, and fever with malaise, respectively. Theodore 1991 reported that two participants left the study during the felbamate period, one owing to seizure exacerbation and the other due to hyponatraemia, which might specifically relate to the use of carbamazepine. Notably, no participants withdrew from treatment during the placebo period during either study.

Overall, only one of the four included studies reported a higher treatment withdrawal rate amongst participants receiving placebo (Binelli 1999). The other three studies all reported a higher treatment withdrawal rate for participants receiving add‐on felbamate. Of note, the treatment withdrawal rate for participants randomised to felbamate remained below 10% in all four studies. The most common reason for treatment withdrawal amongst participants receiving add‐on felbamate was due to adverse effects.

Adverse effects

All four included studies (Binelli 1999Bourgeois 1993Leppik 1991Theodore 1991), involving all 236 randomised participants, reported adverse effects.

Binelli 1999 reported 26 adverse effects in the group of participants treated with felbamate. The adverse effects were central nervous system events such as headache, dizziness, ataxia, diplopia, confusion, depression, sedation, and paraesthesia, and gastrointestinal tract events such as stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. Only 4.9% (2/41) discontinued the treatment due to the occurrence of adverse effects. In the group of participants treated with felbamate, significant weight loss occurred (mean reduction from 72.9 kg to 71.4 kg). In 19.5% (8/41) of participants, the decrease in weight was between 5 kg to 7 kg. This weight loss was justifiable in two cases because of gastrointestinal adverse effects. Of the participants treated with felbamate, 2.4% (1/41) suffered a modest and transient reduction in the value of leukocytes. There was no description of adverse effects in the group of participants treated with placebo.

Bourgeois 1993 reported that the most commonly occurring adverse effect in both treatment groups was headache (40% (12/30) felbamate and 12% (4/34) placebo). Other commonly occurring adverse effects in the felbamate group were insomnia (37% (11/30)), nausea (37% (11/30)), dizziness (23% (7/30)), fatigue (20% (6/30)), constipation (20% (6/30)), anorexia (20% (6/30)), dyspepsia (17% (5/30)), anxiety (13% (4/30)), and vomiting (13% (4/30)). The most common adverse effects in the placebo group were dizziness (15% (5/34)), dyspepsia (9% (3/34)), somnolence (9% (3/34)), insomnia (6% (2/34)), fatigue (6% (2/34)), anxiety (6% (2/34)), nausea (3% (1/34)), constipation (3% (1/34)), and vomiting (3% (1/34)). Only one participant in the felbamate group had a severe adverse effect: stupor and confusion (3% (1/30)). Two participants in the felbamate group (7% (2/30)) failed to complete the trial due to adverse effects.

Leppik 1991 reported that the most frequent adverse effects were in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, of which headache (36% (21/59) felbamate and 3% (2/59) placebo), dizziness (36% felbamate (21/59) and 5% (3/59) placebo), diplopia (36% (21/59) felbamate and 2% (1/59) placebo), blurred vision (22% (13/59) felbamate and 5% (3/59) placebo), ataxia (32% (19/59) felbamate and 2% (1/59) placebo), nausea (39% (23/59) felbamate and 7% (4/59) placebo), and vomiting (25% (15/59) felbamate and 3% (2/59) placebo) were noted.

According to Theodore 1991, adverse effects experienced by participants included headache (87% (26/30)), nausea (57% (17/30)), dizziness (50% (15/30)), diplopia (33% (10/30)), vomiting (33% (10/30)), blurred vision (30% (9/30)), fatigue (17% (5/30)), and poor balance (10% (3/30)). Notably, the adverse effects listed account for all participants and do not differentiate between felbamate and placebo cross‐over periods. The study did, however, state that adverse effects were reported more during treatment periods when felbamate dosage was either steady or was being increased compared to periods of either no felbamate or when felbamate dosage was being tapered. Only nausea, double vision and blurred vision were significantly associated with periods during which felbamate was administered. Importantly, felbamate led to a significant decrease in both blood urea nitrogen and white blood count.

Quality of life

Bourgeois 1993 was the only study to describe quality of life. During the four‐week outpatient baseline period, the study authors obtained each participant's vital signs and administered the Short Neuropsychological Test. For those who had the Short Neuropsychological Test and completed the treatment period, motor skills and memory skills remained the same or were improved. The study did not, however, provide any detailed data for the Short Neuropsychological Test, or specify whether there was any significant difference in outcome between the two treatment groups.


Summary of main results

Four studies, representing 236 randomised participants, met the inclusion criteria for this review (Binelli 1999; Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991; Theodore 1991). All four studies were randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trials. Two were parallel‐group design trials, one was a two‐period cross‐over trial, and the fourth was a three‐period cross‐over trial.

All four included studies were at unclear risk of bias (Binelli 1999; Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991; Theodore 1991). The reporting of important methodological factors, such as the method of randomisation, allocation concealment and blinding, was poor in Binelli 1999 and Leppik 1991. Additionally, there was also bias related to incomplete outcome data associated with both of these studies. For Bourgeois 1993, there was an issue regarding the unstable drug regimens of participants throughout the trial, and for Theodore 1991, the incomplete outcome data and selective reporting of outcomes ‐ specifically, only for the intervention group ‐ were of concern. Due to the differences in study methodology, choice of outcomes and the inadequate reporting of outcome data, it was not possible to summarise data in a meta‐analysis. Therefore, we narratively summarised the data from the studies included in the review.

With regard to efficacy, two studies demonstrated a significant reduction in seizure frequency with add‐on felbamate compared to placebo. However, the size of the effect was notably very different between the two studies. Specifically, Leppik 1991 reported a much smaller effect with considerable inter‐participant variability, as demonstrated by the large standard deviation value. In contrast, Binelli 1999 reported a much greater effect, but failed to disclose any measure of variability. In addition, Theodore 1991 described that there was no significant difference between add‐on felbamate and placebo for seizure reduction.

Similarly, there were contrasting reports for treatment withdrawal. Binelli 1999 reported a higher treatment withdrawal rate amongst participants randomised to placebo, whereas the three other studies (a) reported fewer treatment withdrawals overall, and (b) consistently observed a higher incidence of treatment withdrawal for participants receiving felbamate (Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991; Theodore 1991). Overall, the treatment withdrawal rates for felbamate‐treated groups across all four included studies remained below 10%, suggesting that felbamate may be well tolerated. Headache, dizziness and nausea were the adverse effects that were consistently reported by all four included studies, whilst diplopia and vomiting were each reported by three of the studies. We could not adequately assess the impact of felbamate on quality of life in the review as only one study partially reported this outcome (Bourgeois 1993).

Notably, in both of the analyses that demonstrated conflicting results (percentage reduction in seizure frequency and treatment withdrawal), it was Binelli 1999 that contrasted with the findings of the other studies and reported data that massively favoured felbamate as an efficacious add‐on therapy (i.e. a substantial reduction in seizure frequency and low treatment withdrawal rate). Moreover, it was also Binelli 1999 that was associated with either unclear or high risk of bias across all risk of bias domains. Caution must therefore be taken when considering the findings of Binelli 1999. Importantly, if this study were to be excluded from the narrative synthesis, similar to when conducting a sensitivity analysis, this review would be much less encouraging of the use of felbamate as an add‐on therapy.

Although the current data suggest that felbamate may possibly reduce seizure frequency, we must emphasise that we are very uncertain about both whether felbamate does demonstrate a therapeutic effect, and, furthermore, whether the size of the effect is of any clinical significance or relevance. Overall, the current data do not provide convincing evidence to support the use of add‐on felbamate in people with drug‐resistant focal‐onset epilepsy.

Overall completeness and applicability of evidence

Among the included studies, the felbamate doses (target doses ranged from 2600 mg/day to 3600 mg/day) and the length of the treatment periods (2 to 10 weeks in duration) were variable, as summarised in the Characteristics of included studies table. Consequently, we were unable to combine the data into a meta‐analysis. Instead, we were limited to conducting a narrative synthesis with the data collected. The variability in study quality and the inconsistency of results between studies also had an impact on our ability to report accurate findings. Using GRADE, we judged the majority of the included outcomes as being from very low‐certainty evidence, meaning that we have very little confidence that the effect reported is accurate. It also means that it is possible that the true effect could be substantially different from that reported here.

Of further note, we suspected that all four studies consisted of solely adult study populations. Binelli 1999 did not state the inclusion age for participants; however, the mean age of 33.5 years implies that they studied an adult population. Consequently, any findings of this review are potentially only applicable to adults with drug‐resistant focal epilepsy and cannot inform readers about the effects of felbamate in children or adolescents. Similarly, we specifically searched for studies that only included people with drug‐resistant focal epilepsy, as opposed to generalised epilepsy or other epilepsy types. As a result, the review findings cannot be extrapolated to other seizure types.

Quality of the evidence

Out of the included studies, Binelli 1999 was associated with the greatest risk of bias. This was largely due to the very poor reporting of methodological details. Additionally, the study also featured a high attrition rate with more than 14% of participants withdrawing from the study overall. The study authors did not conduct an intention‐to‐treat analysis to compensate for the loss of data from the withdrawn participants. Leppik 1991 also had missing methodological details. For example, they did not describe the methods used for random sequence generation and allocation concealment. Separately, one of the remaining studies was associated with other bias due to alterations made to participants' concomitant drugs at multiple time points throughout the trial (Bourgeois 1993), whilst the other study featured incomplete and selective reporting of outcome data (Theodore 1991).

As a result of the risk of bias detected across the included studies, specifically with regard to Binelli 1999 and Leppik 1991, we downgraded the evidence for all of the GRADE‐assessed outcomes one level. We then downgraded the evidence for all outcomes two further levels for imprecision. It was firstly necessary to downgrade for imprecision because of the narrative synthesis employed. During a narrative synthesis, the effect size is subjectively described, whilst during a meta‐analysis, an estimated effect size is statistically calculated. The findings reported from a narrative synthesis are therefore automatically considered to be imprecise. Secondly, we downgraded for imprecision because of the low number of events. Notably, the total number of participants, when considering all studies, was 236 participants. The number of events, therefore, could not satisfy the optimal information size (normally considered to be more than 400 events; Guyatt 2011). We downgraded the evidence once for inconsistency for two of the outcomes ‐ absolute or percentage reduction in seizure frequency and treatment withdrawal ‐ because of disparity in either the effect size described or the direction of the effect reported between the studies.

Overall, our GRADE assessment showed that all five outcomes were derived from very low certainty‐evidence. As a result, we have very little confidence in the accuracy of the review findings that we have reported. It is important to acknowledge that the true effect of felbamate is likely to be significantly different to that reported in this review.

Potential biases in the review process

We are not aware of any potential bias within our search strategies. We do, however, acknowledge that there are potential issues for bias within our data extraction. For many of the details regarding methodology, we were forced to rely upon correspondence with the study authors because they did not provide details in the original study publication. This is specifically in reference to Bourgeois 1993 and Theodore 1991. For example, the Bourgeois 1993 corresponding author reported, "I think that randomisation was by permuted block, but I do not remember for sure". Although we have accepted that randomisation was by random permuted blocks, it is possible that the study author is remembering incorrectly. Consequently, Bourgeois 1993 and Theodore 1991 could potentially be associated with more risk of bias than we have awarded here, as we are relying on the ability of study authors to correctly recall details retrospectively.

Agreements and disagreements with other studies or reviews

Our review found that adverse effects were more commonly reported during the felbamate period than the placebo period, particularly headache, nausea and dizziness. Whilst the studies in this review reported adverse effects that were largely either mild to moderate in severity, a literature review by Pellock 1999 reported serious adverse effects; namely, aplastic anaemia and hepatic failure. Neither of these serious adverse effects were reported by any of the four studies included in this review.

One reason for this might be that these two severe adverse effects are small‐probability events. The likely incidence of felbamate‐associated aplastic anaemia is 127 per one million people (Pellock 1999). A total of 18 cases of hepatic failure had been reported in people receiving felbamate (Pellock 1999), the rate of which was lower than the incidence of aplastic anaemia. Another reason might be that the duration of the four included trials was not long enough for the occurrence of the two severe adverse effects (the longest exposure time in felbamate was 10 weeks in Leppik 1991). All cases of aplastic anaemia presented after two and a half to six months of felbamate therapy (Pennell 1995), whilst the mean time to hepatic failure presentation was 217 days (range 25 to 939 days) (Pellock 1999). As of 2006, despite approximately 10,000 to 13,000 people annually being treated with felbamate, only one additional person had suffered aplastic anaemia since the first reports of the event in 1993 and 1994 (Pellock 2006). Thus, this emphasises that the serious adverse effects reported are exceptionally rare.

Notably, the reports of these serious adverse effects surfaced within a year of felbamate receiving US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval (French 1999). Subsequently, the majority of people were discontinued from treatment with felbamate and were diverted to treatment with other antiepileptic drugs. The fears and concerns regarding felbamate likely resulted in diminished pharmaceutical interest in the drug. They may explain why we were only able to identify one clinical trial that investigated the add‐on use of felbamate conducted after 1994.

Despite the reports of serious adverse effects, a later review by Pellock 2006 stated that felbamate, when used as an add‐on therapy, offers, "small, but encouraging, improvements in seizure control" and should still be regarded as a useful add‐on for some individuals with drug‐resistant epilepsy. The Pellock 2006 review bases this finding on the observations of studies by Leppik 1991 and Theodore 1991, both of which are included studies in our current review. Notably, in this review, our narrative synthesis for the outcome of absolute or percentage reduction in seizure frequency was based on data derived from three studies: Binelli 1999, Leppik 1991 and Theodore 1991. Leppik 1991 described a much more modest percentage reduction for participants receiving felbamate, compared to Binelli 1999 (4.2% versus 35.8%, respectively). Theodore 1991, meanwhile, demonstrated that there was no significant difference in seizure reduction between the two treatment groups, felbamate and placebo. Consequently, the results of neither Leppik 1991 nor Theodore 1991 support the statement made by Pellock 2006. Instead, the findings of our current review suggest that there is not a clinically relevant reduction in seizure frequency to justify the risk of serious adverse effects.

Flow chart of study selection

Figuras y tablas -
Figure 1

Flow chart of study selection

Risk of bias graph: review authors' judgements about each risk of bias item presented as percentages across all included studies

Figuras y tablas -
Figure 2

Risk of bias graph: review authors' judgements about each risk of bias item presented as percentages across all included studies

Risk of bias summary: review authors' judgements about each risk of bias item for each included study

Figuras y tablas -
Figure 3

Risk of bias summary: review authors' judgements about each risk of bias item for each included study

Summary of findings 1. Add‐on felbamate compared to placebo for drug‐resistant focal epilepsy

Add‐on felbamate compared to placebo for drug‐resistant focal epilepsy

Patient or population: people with drug‐resistant focal epilepsy
Setting: inpatients and outpatients
Intervention: felbamate
Comparison: placebo


Anticipated absolute effects* (95% CI)

Relative effect
(95% CI)

№ of participants

Certainty of the evidence


Risk with placebo

Risk with felbamate

50% or greater reduction in seizure frequency

Follow‐up: 8 weeks

No pooled analysis

(1 RCT)

Very lowa,b

In the one study that reported this outcome (Binelli 1999), 38% of participants who were allocated to add‐on felbamate had a > 50% reduction in seizures. Of these, 11% had complete cessation of seizures. No data were reported for participants randomised to add‐on placebo.

Absolute or percentage reduction in seizure frequency

Follow‐up (range): 8 weeks to 10 weeks

No pooled analysis

(3 RCTs)

Very lowa,b,c

One study reported a percentage reduction in seizure frequency of 35.8% for participants randomised to felbamate compared to a percentage increase of 3.3% for those randomised to placebo (Binelli 1999). Another study reported a less striking percentage reduction in seizure frequency with add‐on felbamate (4.24 ± 55.61%) but a much larger increase in seizure frequency with add‐on placebo (‐19.14 ± 79.70%) (Leppik 1991). Notably, the direction of effect was the same for both of these studies. The third study reported that there was no significant difference in seizure reduction between the two treatment groups (Theodore 1991).

Treatment withdrawal

Follow‐up (range): 2 weeks to 10 weeks

No pooled analysis

(4 RCTs)

Very lowa,b,d

Three of the studies reported a higher treatment withdrawal amongst participants randomised to felbamate compared to placebo (Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991; Theodore 1991). However, one study reported a lower treatment withdrawal rate for participants randomised to felbamate compared to placebo (4 vs 8 participants, respectively) (Binelli 1999). The two cross‐over studies specifically reported that no participants withdrew from treatment during the placebo treatment period (Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991). The direction of effect is therefore unclear.

Adverse effects

Follow‐up (range): 2 weeks to 10 weeks

No pooled analysis

(4 RCTs)

Very lowa,b

Amongst the adverse effects reported, headache and dizziness were both reported by all four studies whilst diplopia, nausea and vomiting were each reported by three of the included studies. Two of the studies described the incidence of adverse effects for both treatment groups (Bourgeois 1993; Leppik 1991). The number of participants experiencing individual adverse effects was consistently higher amongst those randomised to felbamate compared to placebo. Other reported adverse effects included: ataxia, fatigue and blurred vision.

Quality of life

Follow‐up: 4 weeks

No pooled analysis

(1 RCT)

Very lowa,b

One study reported that motor skills and memory skills, as assessed by a Short Neuropsychological Test, remained the same or improved following treatment (Bourgeois 1993). The study did not, however, indicate whether there was any difference in outcome between the add‐on felbamate and placebo treatment groups.

CI: confidence interval; RCT: randomised controlled trial

GRADE Working Group grades of evidence
High certainty: we are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect.
Moderate certainty: we are moderately confident in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility that it is substantially different.
Low certainty: our confidence in the effect estimate is limited: the true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect.
Very low certainty: we have very little confidence in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect.

aWe downgraded evidence once for risk of bias due to a lack of methodological details provided, incomplete outcome data, incomplete reporting of outcomes, and other potential bias regarding the stability of participants' drug regimen.
bWe downgraded evidence once for imprecision due to the narrative synthesis conducted and the absence of an estimated effect size. We downgraded evidence again for imprecision because the number of events did not satisfy the optimal information size.
cWe downgraded evidence once for inconsistency because the magnitude of effect varied greatly between the three studies that reported this outcome.
dWe downgraded evidence once for inconsistency because one of the studies reported the opposite direction of effect for this outcome.

Figuras y tablas -
Summary of findings 1. Add‐on felbamate compared to placebo for drug‐resistant focal epilepsy